aspConf - The Virtual ASP.NET Conference

This year we're evolving mvcConf into something bigger and better. After many discussions and planning around everyone's busy schedules, we came up with aspConf - The Virtual ASP.NET Conference. As the main site states: aspConf is a virtual conference focused on one thing: showcasing the ASP.NET stack as the platform for great web applications. We've revamped the popular mvcConf conference to serve all of ASP.NET, ...

posted @ Saturday, July 14, 2012 10:24 AM | Feedback (729)

MvcConf 2– February 8th, 2011

We’re getting ready for the next version of MvcConf on Tuesday, 2/8/2011 from 8AM-5PM CST! What is MvcConf? MvcConf is a virtual conference focused on one thing: writing awesome applications on top of the ASP.Net MVC framework. Your brain will explode from taking in so much hard core technical sessions. Sounds fun eh?  This is a community event and we want the best and brightest sharing what they know. We intend to record each session and make them available online for viewing. We intend to make the videos available free of charge, depending on conference sponsorships. ...

posted @ Thursday, January 20, 2011 12:38 AM | Feedback (1951)

Fall 2010 DevConnections Wrap Up

Last week, I had the pleasure of presenting at DevConnections at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, NV. I had a total blast interacting with attendees, fellow speakers and checking out the vendor hall. The logistics for the conference were remarkable given there was approximately 2,800 people in attendance! For those of you that attended my presentations, thank you! I hope you were able to get something out of them; I had a blast presenting and interacting with you in each of them.  Also, I had a great time with the open spaces sessions. There was lots of good...

posted @ Saturday, November 6, 2010 4:03 PM | Feedback (2737)

Extending MVC Views with DynamicObject

The other day I was working on some features for MVC Turbine when I got a random idea about how we can use a new feature that comes with the Razor view engine (VE). This blog post hopefully will help out some of you in your development or least get your creative juices going. @View with Razor Views One of the new features that ships with the Razor VE is the ability to set ViewDataDictionary values through the use of a DynamicObject property. The following code shows how to do this: The ViewModel.Message call is the...

posted @ Thursday, October 21, 2010 12:45 AM | Feedback (811)

Dependency Injection for Filters in MVC3

One of the new features of the Dependency Inject (DI) components from MVC3 is something called a IFilterProvider.  The purpose of this component is to provide a simpler way for MVC applications to interact with filters (action, exception, result, etc.). In the previous versions, trying to achieve something like providing DI support to filters was doable, it just required deeper integration into the MVC runtime.  The IFilterProvider interface is defined as: As you can see, it’s a pretty simple interface that can enable lots of opportunities if used in the right context.  The MVC bits ship with an...

posted @ Tuesday, October 12, 2010 11:37 PM | Feedback (1666)

POCO Results for MVC Actions

Lately, I’ve been working a lot with applications that expose JSON-based services to clients that care to consume their data. All of these services are nothing more than plain Controllers that return a ViewModel that’s rendered as JSON. You might be saying to yourself, “Big deal! All you’re doing is returning a JsonResult to the client! Tell us something new…” Well, as a matter of fact, that’s the whole purpose of this post. ;) How Do Things Currently Work? Right now within MVC, you have a explicit convention that a controller must follow for any action it exposes;...

posted @ Wednesday, October 6, 2010 11:51 PM | Feedback (6922)

MVC Turbine and MVC3

I’ve been getting different questions via emails, DMs, IMs, etc. that can be summed up by this question: Once MVC3 comes out, will I need MVC Turbine anymore to provide Dependency Injection (DI) support to ASP.NET MVC? There is really no clear answer for this, so all I can say is, it depends :) For those of you that are not aware, MVC3 has added better support for using Dependency Injection (DI) within different parts of your application. This newly added support applies to: Controllers ...

posted @ Friday, September 10, 2010 10:21 PM | Feedback (873)

MvcConf 2010

Recently my good friend and fellow C4MVC junkie, Eric Hexter blogged about an event the ASP.NET MVC community is putting together called, MvcConf. What is MvcConf? MvcConf is a online conference where you can learn about real experiences creating MVC applications as well about what the future holds for creating apps based on MVC.  We have scheduled community members to present on intro and advanced topics using MVC2 and we have some Microsoft product members who will talk about some of the new stuff coming out soon. Why should I care? If you’re interested in...

posted @ Saturday, July 10, 2010 9:37 PM | Feedback (729)

MVC Turbine v2.1 RTM

Last week, it was tweeted that MVC Turbine v2.1 had reached RTM. Release Notes The released bits can be downloaded from the main project site; the features it provides are (same as v2.0 RTM plus these): Instance Registration to IServiceLocator You can now add an instance of a type to the underlying container so you can address the single instance context. IServiceLocator is registered into the container ...

posted @ Tuesday, May 18, 2010 10:54 PM | Feedback (643)

A Simple JSON Model Binder

First of, I would like to give a huge thanks to Phil Haack for his awesome blog post, Sending JSON to an ASP.NET MVC Action Method Argument, which shows how really flexible the ASP.NET MVC can be. Also, I owe him a beer next time I see him for saving my behind and providing an actual solution to my original POSTing JSON Data to MVC Controllers post.  Namaste, Phil! Client-side JSON ‘Serialization’ In Phil’s post, he mentions that using a model binder falls short because of the lack of validation support: There’s one key problem with using a model binder to accept JSON....

posted @ Friday, April 16, 2010 2:03 PM | Feedback (898)

POSTing JSON Data to MVC Controllers

I’m sure that some (if not many) of you know this little approach for posting data from a JSON POST action (through jQuery) to an MSMVC Controller. If you don’t, keep reading otherwise go read something more important :) Note: As Phil noted, what the title should read is Receiving JSON Data from An Action Method, so my apologies for being misleading on the title. To see how you can actually post JSON data, check out Phil's Sending JSON to an ASP.NET MVC Action Method Argument post. What are you trying to do? While working on MSMVC sites, I (like many of you) find...

posted @ Friday, April 16, 2010 12:09 AM | Feedback (795)

FubuMVC Conventions in ASP.NET MVC with MVC Turbine

Great minds think alike … or is it that fools seldom differ? I forget… In any note, all I can say that in this case it took three people’s work to make this possible in order to bring simplicity to the masses. Please note that this piece is a work in progress and we’re still trying to figure out how things will be at the end for these two frameworks to interact. Also, if you want more code, I suggest you check out the Fubu sample for MVC Turbine. What does it all mean, Basil? I’m not going...

posted @ Thursday, April 15, 2010 12:08 AM | Feedback (641) Cancelled

That's right, the event during the MVP Summit 2010 has been cancelled. Why? Since there are a lot other parties going on at the same time on Tuesday night, I'm going to cancel the get together - - at the Tap House. My intent with this get together was strictly social and meet and greet and the same can be done at other parties without making people jump through hoops to fit things into their schedule. I see it at the end is about being social and getting to know people in the list on a more personal level...

posted @ Friday, February 12, 2010 1:20 PM | Feedback (684)

MVC Turbine v2.0 for MVC2 RC2 (.NET3.5)

The MVC Turbine bits are now compiled against ASP.NET MVC 2 RC2 which runs on .NET 3.5 SP1 and Visual Studio 2008.  You can get the bits by going to the CodePlex site. Please note that this the same feature release as MVC Turbine v2.0 RTM.  The following is compiled and upgraded to work with .NET3.5 in VS2008: VS2008 Templates Runtime binaries Feature Samples Nerd Dinner Sample Okonau Sample Again, as I mentioned before, the main...

posted @ Friday, February 5, 2010 10:51 PM | Feedback (648)

MVC Turbine v2.0 for MVC2 (.NET3.5)

The MVC Turbine bits are now compiled against ASP.NET MVC 2 RC which runs on .NET 3.5 SP1 and Visual Studio 2008.  You can get the bits by going to the CodePlex site. Please note that this the same feature release as MVC Turbine v2.0 RTM.  The following is compiled and upgraded to work with .NET3.5 in VS2008: Runtime binaries Feature Samples Nerd Dinner Sample Okonau Sample Again, as I mentioned before, the main development will take place onVS2010 and...

posted @ Monday, February 1, 2010 11:51 PM | Feedback (627)

MVC Turbine Redux

A few days ago, I blogged a response to Rob Conery’s question entitled, Why MVC Turbine? Since then, Rob has been so kind to send me an email saying Thanks for the blog post, but…Dude, I still don’t get it. Help me reach the ‘aha!’ moment. As I told Rob, after I re-reading the blog post and the tone it had, I whole heartedly agree with him: The post did not answer his question. So Rob… My apologies, mea culpa, lo siento. I really appreciate your feedback and your assistance with developing a valid message for MVC Turbine...

posted @ Monday, January 11, 2010 11:33 PM | Feedback (628)

Why MVC Turbine?

I would like to thank Rob Conery for posing the question: As the project’s portal states: MVC Turbine is a plugin for ASP.NET MVC that has IoC baked in and auto-wires controllers, binders, view engines, http modules, etc. that reside within your application. Thus you worry more about what your application should do, rather than how it should do it. Let’s see how this plays out for your application… Plain Old MVC Application If you create an MVC application by using File –> New, you get the full power of the MVC framework but your application is not yet setup to take full advantage...

posted @ Thursday, December 31, 2009 12:14 AM | Feedback (631)

MVC Turbine v2.0 for MVC2 (.NET4)

The MVC Turbine bits are now compiled against ASP.NET MVC 2 Preview 2 Beta and Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Beta 2.  You can get the bits by going to the CodePlex site. Please note that this the same feature release as MVC Turbine v2.0 RTM.  The following is compiled and upgraded to work with .NET4 in VS2010: Runtime binaries Feature Samples Nerd Dinner Sample Okonau Sample From here on out, the main development will take place onVS2010 and MVC2 as I get things setup for v3...

posted @ Thursday, December 17, 2009 12:15 AM | Feedback (644)

Injecting Your Favorite IoC Into MVC Turbine

Since the release of MVC Turbine, I’ve been getting lots of questions about the design decisions I made around the interaction with the Service Locator that ships with the plug-in.  The two main questions are: Why didn’t you use the Common Service Locator project from CodePlex? Why are we forced/constrained/etc to use generic component registration API? These questions are very valid and could be easily explained if I ever write the documentation for the project (which, I’m working on by the way). So in this post, I hope to...

posted @ Tuesday, December 15, 2009 1:39 AM | Feedback (635)

ASP.NET MVC Embedded Views with MVC Turbine

I’ve blogged in the past about the extensible component model for MVC Turbine, this post is a continuation on that concept, except with views as embedded resources. Virtual Path Provider: The Secret Sauce Not sure how many of you know this, but a VirtualPathProvider (VPP) is a way to provide the ASP.NET runtime with resources from a virtual file system. In other words, you can provide files such ash web forms, scripts or anything else that’s served to the ASP.NET run time to process.  To learn how to this more in detail, check...

posted @ Monday, December 7, 2009 10:58 PM | Feedback (119)

MVC Turbine v2.0 RTM

Well, here’s the official blog post for the tweet I did last night: I figured, I should tweet the release and have people get an early access to it, then blog the same (plus more) information here. :) What is MVC Turbine? I’ve been asked many times for the 140 char description of Turbine, so here it is for the record: MVC Turbine is a plug-in for ASP.NET MVC that has IoC baked in and auto-wires controllers, binders, view engines, http modules, etc. that reside within in your application. Thus...

posted @ Tuesday, December 1, 2009 11:58 PM | Feedback (624)

MVC Application Extensibility with MVC Turbine

The whole purpose of MVC Turbine is to make the development of an MVC application easy and streamlined. This can be done through the use of a new feature of V2 called “Blades”. Essentially, a Blade is nothing more than a component (or slice) of a Turbine application since it provides a layer of abstraction to a concern of the application. For example, a Turbine MVC application ships with three core blades out of the box: MvcBlade – Performs all ASP.NET MVC related work, i.e., setup of Controller factories, View Engines, etc. ...

posted @ Tuesday, November 3, 2009 11:32 PM | Feedback (656)

Mvc Turbine v2 RC

That’s right, get the v2 RC release while it’s hot!  Version 2 of MVC Turbine, is a complete re-write of the plug-in that allows these features: New runtime framework that allows extensibility Blades (components) that are auto-registered and loaded at runtime. Introduced the Core Blades to setup the basic runtime of an MVC application: MvcBlade -- wiring for MVC related components (Controllers, View Engines, etc). ...

posted @ Friday, October 30, 2009 10:40 PM | Feedback (622)

Multiple View Engines with MVC Turbine

This past weekend while working on my talk for the Heartland Developer's Conference, I toyed with the idea of showing multiple ASP.NET MVC View Engines (VE) ‘co-existing’ within the same application. Why do that? Well, I wanted to show how using open source tools like MVC Turbine, MVC Contrib and Spark within your application, you can assemble some pretty cool stuff.  And most important, it made for a really cool demo. :) Please note that this concept is not anything new. Phil has blogged about a similar topic in the past. However, this approach extends what Phil...

posted @ Monday, October 5, 2009 4:37 PM | Feedback (655)

MVC Turbine

For those of you that follow me on twitter, you’ve noticed that I’ve been tweeting a lot about a new side project called MVC Turbine. MVC Turbine is a simple way to provide flow and plumbing within ASP.NET MVC applications, or as its tag line suggest, it converts flow into useful work.  A few weeks ago, I had a quick poll on twitter that asked: As you can see, from the results, 50% of the responses where “Yes, always!” which means that you’re wanting more out of your MVC application. Please, don’t get this the wrong way: I’m not saying that Phil...

posted @ Friday, September 25, 2009 1:55 PM | Feedback (516)

Autowire IHttpModules with IoC

My original title for this blog post was going to be HttpIoC - Find Out What It Means To Me, as Steven Smith suggested via twitter, but I figured it wasn’t going to be as searchable. :) So I went with the boring title. Sorry Steven! A while back, Tuna Toksoz and I were having a conversation on twitter about how he does registration of any modules his application will need/use.  After playing around with the concept for a little, I was able to get something that will work for our any ASP.NET application with minimal effort. ...

posted @ Wednesday, August 19, 2009 10:45 AM | Feedback (622)

Inferred Controller Actions

I know I’ve been quiet for the past couple of weeks, so hopefully this post makes up for some of the silence. :) A while back, I voiced my opinion on how actions within should be small and to the point. After this post, I started to think on how we can make ASP.NET MVC do more for us based on a convention.  Take the following code as example: 1: [HandleError] 2: public class HomeController : Controller 3: { 4: public ActionResult Index() 5: ...

posted @ Tuesday, August 11, 2009 11:28 PM | Feedback (618)

miniurl – ASP.NET MVC URL Redirection Sample Application

Not sure how many of you out there use a URL redirection service such as tinyurl, or snurl. They come very handy when you’re trying to take a long url like:,-95.677068&sspn=44.879582,87.714844&ie=UTF8&z=12&iwloc=A Into something that's a bit more manageable: How can you do this within your ASP.NET application? Well, check out miniurl on CodePlex. :) What is miniurl? The miniurl MVC application is a very simple example on how to use MVC and URL Routing to create a URL Redirection service. That means you’re...

posted @ Sunday, July 5, 2009 10:36 PM | Feedback (700)

What's in a controller? That which we call an action…

Recently, fellow MVP and ASPInsider, Jeffrey Palermo blogged a pretty interesting idea called ActionController.  Within his post, he states: My interest in this space is purely practical.  I really don’t care how patterns are published.  I don’t care about “being true” to the MVC pattern or any other pattern.  I’m more interested in being effective with web applications on .Net.  After have experience with MvcContrib, CodeCampServer, and a much larger ASP.NET MVC implementation (200+ screens), I have come to see how controllers end up searching for an identity.  What is a ProductController anyway?  That’s just about...

posted @ Saturday, June 20, 2009 11:58 PM | Feedback (624)


Now, I know a few days late on this blog post.  Granted, at the time, I was doing a webcast on ti! :) Any way, be assured that I’ve already congratulated Phil and team on getting ASP.NET MVC released! To find out more about the intricate details, check out Phil’s post on it (remember, he’s the PM). Now, during the time I’ve been talking with people about the MVC bits, I’m still surprised that they ask these questions (just to name a few): Are Web Forms going away? How do I convert my Web Forms...

posted @ Monday, March 23, 2009 10:41 AM | Feedback (615)

Contextual Sessions with NHibernate – Part 2

In my previous post, I talk about how the problem with sessions and NHibernate (NH) can get pretty tricky to deal with; specially within ASP.NET web applications.  This post shows how you can use a pretty nice feature within NH that simplifies this problem. A Solution NH supports a mechanism of providing a ‘current’ session via the ISessionFactory.GetCurrentSession method by using a concept called Contextual Sessions.  This is what the NH documentation says about the feature: Most applications using NHibernate need some form of "contextual" sessions, where a given session is in...

posted @ Wednesday, February 18, 2009 4:26 PM | Feedback (619)

Contextual Sessions with NHibernate – Part 1

As with any piece of software development, there is more than a million ways to skin a cat.  Working with NHibernate in a multi-threaded environment is no different. :)  To help with the illustration of the interaction of NHibernate and ASP.NET, I’ve created a sample application out on Google code.  Please feel free to check it out and run it locally.  The only requirement for the sample is to have a local install of SQL Server Express. The Problem Those of you using NHibernate in a multi-threaded environment (say ASP.NET) have probably written code to maintains an ISession...

posted @ Tuesday, February 17, 2009 8:56 PM | Feedback (614)


As some of you already know, I blogged about my reaction to the Oxite MVC sample from the MIX Online Labs.  Also, I started blogging some of my ideas for refactoring the source to make it a bit more streamlined.  More importantly, I want use these posts as a way to share my ideas on how to use the new ASP.NET MVC framework.  Not that I am “the source” for the right implementation, but I do want to provide another insight to the problem.  Anywho… Instead of keeping my source in zip files and bits and pieces, I created a fork...

posted @ Sunday, January 11, 2009 10:59 PM | Feedback (616)

Views, Models and ViewModels - Part 1

Not sure how many of you read my first post on my thoughts on Oxite. Well, here's my offering on trying to make things a little closer to MVC by offering my perspective on the code.  Please note that I want to keep these simple refactorings as conversational as possible, so if you see something that offends or upsets you with my interpretation/implementation, PLEASE COMMENT. :) Let's examine the SignIn action under the AccountController: [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] public ActionResult SignIn(string username, string password, bool rememberMe, string returnUrl) { PageTitle.AdditionalPageTitleSegments = new string[] { "Sign In" }; ...

posted @ Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:56 PM | Feedback (623)


This past weekend some discussion sprung up around a new blog engine called Oxite.  This blog engine is put out by the MIX Online team and it's used to power their blog. Now, I'm not going to rehash some of the statements made by other members of the community since there is no point in beating a dead horse.  However, if you want check them out I suggest that first see Rob Conery's thoughts on Oxite as well as Scott Koon with TLC for Oxite post. The thing I do want to point out is that the team...

posted @ Monday, December 15, 2008 10:07 PM | Feedback (614)

Not At PDC

Can't make it to the Professional Developer's Conference (PDC) in LA?  Well, we've started a new group called NotAtPDC!  Chris Love is the genious behind this movement! Here's some info from him: We are going to have live meeting sessions, links to Blogs, Podcasts and any other .NET related content featured this week. Right now we are trying to get things organized better. We will have a site live in the morning. If you want to schedule a session or something DM Chris is in the process on getting a website up to aggregate some of the content that the...

posted @ Sunday, October 26, 2008 8:33 PM | Feedback (616)

Visual Studio Templates for MVC Views without Codebehind Files

For those of you doing MVC out there you've probably noticed that every time you create a new view within your project, the template that VS uses creates a both a .aspx.cs and a .aspx.designer.cs file for your view.  A group of mvps/insiders have been talking about this topic for a bit.  A small group of us feel that providing this file is a temptation that can lead to world of hurt. To us, the this code behind file is a honeypot asking for bad practices.  The fact that you have a codebehind file and that you can put...

posted @ Monday, October 20, 2008 4:23 PM | Feedback (613)

Thanks, VSLive Las Vegas and HDC Omaha '08!

For those of you that attended one or both at of my talks at VSLive Las Vegas or HDC Omaha 2008, I just want to say, thank you!  And for the VSLive folks, I do apologize for cutting my open source tools talk short by 10 minutes.  I had to jet out of the Mirage so I can make the plane back to the Midwest! As promised, I upgraded my code to run with Beta 1 of the ASP.NET MVC Framework!  So, if you want to get the latest bits go to: You will find my slide deck as well as...

posted @ Sunday, October 19, 2008 7:05 PM | Feedback (2389)

VSLive! NY and HDC Minneapolis Talks

Yeah, I know...been really, really quiet here.  Reason?  Busy with work, work and life.  Going to try to get back into the "frequent blogging" mood, I promise!! Any way, for those of you that attended my talks at VSLive NY! and HDC Minneapolis, I just want to say, "Thanks!!"  The code as been updated slightly to help clarify some of the interactions between the different projects (and logic).  So, go check out the latest bits at  Please note that the PPT deck is also in that location for you guys to get. Again, thanks for coming to...

posted @ Thursday, October 2, 2008 8:05 PM | Feedback (618)

ASPInsiders Summit 2008

Last week I attended the ASPInsiders Summit at the MS main campus in Redmond.  I must say that by Wednesday afternoon my head was ready to explode with the amount of content that I, along with another Insiders, parsed through!!  However, it was a great opportunity to provide feedback the teams that make up the ASP.NET Team. Over all, it was a great way to experience the process in which MS takes customers feedback and prioritizes features for their products.  Sure, we all build products, but I must say that we don't do it at the scale that Microsoft...

posted @ Saturday, July 26, 2008 6:18 PM | Feedback (611)

Spaghetti Code Podcast - Ruby, RoR and ASP.NET MVC

A couple of weeks back, I recorded a podcast with, our community MS Developer Evangelist, Jeff Brand for his Spaghetti Code series.  I was informed by Jeff, today that he finally posted it!  I had a heck of a time recording this podcast with Jeff, the hour just flew by!  If yo have the time, download the podcast and check it out! Links: Direct Download - click here Subscribe - click here iTunes - click here

posted @ Tuesday, May 27, 2008 9:00 PM | Feedback (612)

New Wrox Title: ASP.NET 3.5 Programmer's Reference

So, here's a little shameless self plug for a book that Bryan Sampica and I are writing...also, I'm using this blog post as a warm up for my writing this evening! Yes, like I just mentioned, I'm co-authoring a book for Wrox with Bryan entitled, ASP.NET 3.5 Programmer's Reference.  The purpose of the book is to get you the novice/beginner introduced to the features of ASP.NET 3.5, and hopefully teach you a few tricks things along the way.  The book is due out in November, so that means that my summer (evenings) is pretty much booked up.  I must...

posted @ Tuesday, May 13, 2008 11:21 PM | Feedback (612)

MVP Summit Highlights

Well, I had a great time meeting old friends and making new ones at this year's summit.  There were so many things going on and so many people to see and talk to, that it's next to impossible to consume everything at once!  So, to keep things simple, here are of the highlights per day: Sunday Although, I was not there until late (way late), it was a lot fun hanging around the Westin's lobby and talk about how a chicken takes a dookie.  Yeah, that's right.  Keith Elder had the great intentions of recording a podcast that...

posted @ Sunday, April 20, 2008 11:08 AM | Feedback (758)

Twin Cities Code Camp: Silverlight Presentation

For those of you that attended my Silverlight presentation yesterday at the Twin Cities Code Camp, I just want to say, "Thanks for coming! I hope you enjoyed it!" As promised, you can download the presentation slides and source code from Google code using TortoiseSVN. Again, thanks for coming to my presentation and thanks to Jason Bock for allowing me to come up and be part of a great event!

posted @ Sunday, April 6, 2008 4:35 PM | Feedback (614)

Ask An Expert Live Chat: May 1st, 2008

That's right!  We're having another ASP.NET Expert Live Chat on Thursday, May 1st, 2008 at 6 PM PST.  Here's more info on the event: Get your tough development questions answered by Microsoft MVPs, Regional Directors, and other industry experts. Community experts will be on hand to answer your .NET- and Visual Studio-related questions. No off topic questions please. Please note that questions regarding upcoming products and future product specs might not be answered. Would you like to participate as an expert? Contact Ryan Olshan at Ryan[dot]Olshan[at]strongtypes[dot]com. MSDN Online Chats - Chat Room...

posted @ Saturday, April 5, 2008 12:47 AM | Feedback (662)

IADNUG Meeting: Intro to ASP.NET MVC

That's right, we're having another IADNUG meeting this evening with Chris Sutton from the CR Ineta user group talking about ASP.NE MVC!  If you're free this evening, come check us out! Intro to the ASP.NET MVC Framework Chris Sutton, The ASP.Net MVC Framework is a new project that the ASP.Net team is working on to give developers an alternate and potentially better way to do web development in the ASP.Net environment. Model View Controller(MVC) is a well known presentation pattern that has been used in many environments with a variety of different...

posted @ Wednesday, April 2, 2008 2:04 PM | Feedback (611)

ASP.NET Web Service Serialization Proxy Bug

Long blog title, I know.  Yesterday, I ran into a issue/bug that I've never encountered during my years of being an ASP.NET developer.  The error message is below: The interesting thing about this error, is that it's occurred so often that there's a KB article (KB896181) for it that tells you how to fix it.  Fortunately for me, I didn't have to apply the fix in the KB.  I just had to change some of my security settings to give the account hosting the website the right permissions. Here's how the errors occurs: So you have an ASP.NET page that calls a...

posted @ Saturday, March 8, 2008 3:17 PM | Feedback (716)

IADNUG Meeting: Utilizing WPF As A Business Application Platform

As you recall, we cancelled last month's UG meeting due to weather.  For this month, we're having Bryan Sampica, an ASP.NET MVP from Cedar Falls, come talk to us about WPF!  The info for the meeting is below. Hope to see you there!   Utilizing WPF as a Business Application Platform Bryan Sampica, ASI Computer Systems With the emergence of WPF and XAML as a UI framework, we've seen lots of demo's and examples on animating birds, and playing video clips. In this session we'll examine the business...

posted @ Sunday, March 2, 2008 9:04 PM | Feedback (613)

Des Moines HEROES Happen Here Launch Event

That's right, there will be a HEROES happen {here} event in Des Moines on 4/24!    Here's some info on the event: The Des Moines event will celebrate the launch of Windows Server 2008, Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2008. The event will bring together IT Pros and Developers to get an in-depth, up-close look at the new products and will give attendees an opportunity to meet with our Partners as well as members of the development teams who created the cutting-edge technologies. And all attendees will get a promotional pack containing all three new products....

posted @ Friday, February 22, 2008 11:14 PM | Feedback (634)

Video.Show 1.0 Released

I'm not sure how many of you out there have heard of Video.Show, a ready to run solution for hosting video on the web. It's a great video sharing web site blue print built by the guys at Vertigo.  I've been looking at this app since it's RC (or beta) release and it's pretty sweet.  The display and interaction of HD video is pretty awesome! Jon Galloway, one (if not the) developers, of the application has a great write up of the features of this application out on his blog.  If you want more detail info on the features of...

posted @ Monday, February 18, 2008 9:01 PM | Feedback (618)

The Zen of ASP.NET MVC

Earlier today, Scott provided us with, what I think is, a pinnacle post on getting people to understand the Zen of the new ASP.NET MVC framework. Scott says, This is a not just a different tune, but a whole different band playing all new music. Not everyone will like the music, and that's why the world has more than one band. This is a Good Thing. I like to think of ASP.NET MVC as the raw, acoustic version of the more heavily produced and multi-layered ASP.NET WebForms we use today. ...

posted @ Thursday, January 24, 2008 10:53 PM | Feedback (611)

flickrNSurface: The Open Source Project

That's right, remember a while back when I blogged about FlickrNSurface?  Well, since then, I've been showing people the demo code and some of them have been wanting to know how they can get their hands on it for their own website/projects.  At that point, I thought to myself, what is the best way to share the code and any changes that I make to it?  That's when I realized I should make this into an open-source project!  What better way to share ideas and implementations with community than by allowing them to contribute directly to it! Again, I've...

posted @ Sunday, January 20, 2008 9:37 PM | Feedback (660)

IADNUG Meeting: Developing Modules with DotNetNuke

Thanks to Mitchel Sellers from IowaComputerGurus for presenting to our user group last night!  We had a pretty great turn out and some really nice swag to give away!  For those of you that were there, thanks for your support! As I mentioned during the meeting, we're going to try something a little different for distributing demo materials (code, ppts, etc.).  I've setup a iadnug, a Google Code open source project, to host our code.  (yeah, clever name I know...)  So for those of you that have SVN or TortoiseSVN installed, you can check out the code.  If you...

posted @ Thursday, January 10, 2008 1:59 PM | Feedback (611)


Running a user group is not easy.  It takes quite a bit of coordination to get sponsorships, line up the venue, line up speakers, find swag, schedule the logistics and the most important, order pizza...just to name a few. At times we've been contacted by our members asking when the website will be updated with the meeting info or when will Levi send out the email blast reminder.  Well, I'm sorry to say, but we get busy with our jobs/families and we end up dropping the ball at times. Wouldn't it be nice we had a tool to...

posted @ Tuesday, January 8, 2008 11:09 PM | Feedback (614)

ASP.NET Persistent Cookies and IE7

A couple of weeks ago, I spent a good part of a day troubleshooting an issue with creating persistent cookies from ASP.NET 2.0 and how they're handled by IE7.  Fortunately for us (specifically me), this occurred in our test environment so only developers in the project were affected by it. Background Info Our application is using a custom authentication cookies to help reduce the request overhead to our database (pretty common scenario).  This can be done by implementing your own IHttpModule and within it's Init method, register to the HttpApplication's AuthenticateRequest Event.  My good friend Heath Stewart wrote...

posted @ Monday, December 31, 2007 11:28 AM | Feedback (615)


Well, we can finally get our hands on the ASP.NET MVC bits!  They're being released as part of the ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions CTP.  This release includes: ASP.NET AJAX Improvements: New ASP.NET AJAX features in the ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions release include better browser history support (back/forward button integration, and server-side history management support), improved AJAX content linking support with permalinks, and additional JavaScript library improvements. ASP.NET MVC: This model view controller (MVC) framework for ASP.NET provides a structured model that enables a clear separation of concerns within web applications, and makes...

posted @ Monday, December 10, 2007 9:14 AM | Feedback (990)

IADNUG Silverlight Presentation Demos

Well, it's been over a month since the I did my Silverlight presentation at the IADNUG November meeting and I've realized that I've forgotten to post my demo code.  Well, sorry about that.  For those of you that are interested, you can download it from the link below.  Sorry! Files: (~20 MB - it include videos).

posted @ Saturday, December 8, 2007 11:05 PM | Feedback (629)

PDC 2008 Announced

That's right, PDC has been rescheduled to Oct. 27-30 2008 in Los Angeles, California.  Here's the info from their site: PDC 2008 October 27–30, 2008 Pre-conference October 26, 2008 Los Angeles, California OK, OK. We are delighted to announce the date and location of the next Microsoft Professional Developers Conference (PDC): October 27–30, 2008 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. PDC is the definitive Microsoft event for software developers and architects focused on the future of the Microsoft platform. Mark your...

posted @ Friday, December 7, 2007 3:18 PM | Feedback (616)

Visual Studio 2008 Demo Contest

Well, as I previously blogged about it, the details are done for our demo contest during the VS2008 InstallFest in Des Moines are finalized.  Here they are: Visual Studio 2008 Demo Contest! Want to show off your VS2008 or .NET 3.5 skills?  If you answered, yes, this is your opportunity to strut your stuff! During the Visual Studio 2008 InstallFest & Holiday Party on December 12, 2007 at the DMACC West Campus, we'll be having a demo contest in the auditorium.  Here's the scoop ... What do I need to...

posted @ Friday, December 7, 2007 2:42 PM | Feedback (613)

Visual Studio 2008 InstallFest Des Moines SOLD OUT!

That's right, the InstallFest event in Des Moines has SOLD OUT!  As of today, there are 13 people on the waiting list.  For all of you that signed up, thanks!  It is because of you that this event will be a success!  Also, if you're interested, you should sign up to do a demo during the event! Those of you on the waiting list, you will be notified of an open spot if someone on the main list cancels.  So if you're on the main list but can't make it, please cancel so somebody on the waiting list can...

posted @ Thursday, November 29, 2007 8:53 AM | Feedback (613)

VS2008 InstallFest - Des Moines - Strut Your Stuff

Alright, earlier this evening I blogged about the Visual Studio 2008 InstallFest that our Des Moines .NET UG is hosting on December 12th, 2007.  If you're interested in coming, please sign up!!  If you would like to ensure a copy of VS2008, it is REALLY IMPORTANT that you sign up at Now the contest info!  Have you been playing around with VS2008 beta1/beta2/RC1 or .NET 3.5 for a while?  If you answered yes, then I recommend you strut your stuff by coming up with a 10-15 minute presentation you can share with the group during the InstallFest! What do I need to...

posted @ Tuesday, November 27, 2007 7:47 PM | Feedback (612)

Visual Studio InstallFest – Des Moines

Everyone in the Des Moines, sign up for this great event our UG is hosting in conjunction with Microsoft!  We're also planning on having a presentation contest to see who can show off the best features VS2008.  More to come on this, so stay tuned!! Visual Studio InstallFest - Des Moines Event Registration: ATTENTION DEVELOPERS! Are you ready to be one of the first to get their hands on Visual Studio 2008 when it RTMs?  Join Microsoft and the Iowa DNUG for a Visual Studio 2008 InstallFest and Holiday Party on December 12th, 2007 at the Des Moines Area Community College!...

posted @ Tuesday, November 27, 2007 4:20 PM | Feedback (612)

Silverlight 1.1 Tools Alpha for Visual Studio 2008

That's right, you can now download the Silverlight 1.1 Tools Alpha for Visual Studio 2008 RTM.  Get it while it's hot!! One thing to notice is that this release does not work with the Express Editions.

posted @ Monday, November 26, 2007 9:33 PM | Feedback (620)

IADNUG Meeting: Building Rich Web Experiences using Silverlight

On Wednesday, November 7th, I will be presenting about Silverlight to our user group in Des Moines.  Here's the info: Abstract: This is an overview presentation of the feature set that both Silverlight v1.0 and v1.1 have to offer to developers. We will also cover some of the current tools available for both designers and developers to create Silverlight applications. What is Silverlight? Microsoft® Silverlight™ is a cross-browser, cross-platform plug-in for delivering the next generation of .NET based media experiences and rich interactive applications for the Web.  Silverlight offers a flexible programming model that supports AJAX, VB, C#,...

posted @ Sunday, November 4, 2007 9:14 PM | Feedback (613)

MS Popfly and Yahoo Pipes Comparison

Yesterday, Microsoft announced the opening of Popfly beta to public use.  One of the first things that I thought about Popfly is how are other people out there (both technical and non-technical) are going to use it.  I've been looking at Yahoo! Pipes for a while and thought it was a pretty cool way to gather information.  To me the one thing it lacked was the presentation of the information (what good is the info if I can't get to it effectively?).  So last night I decided to do a little video that compares both Popfly and Yahoo! Pipes trying to "solve" the same...

posted @ Friday, October 19, 2007 1:52 PM | Feedback (612)

Software Factories at Heartland Developer Conference

First, to all of you that attended my HDC presentation on Software Factories, THANK YOU!  I hope that as promised, the "Ah, Ha!" factor was high.  Also, I would like to apologize for the issues I ran into with the VPC and the demos.  I had tried the demo before with only two VS2005 instances running and had no issues with it...Apparently, four instances of VS2005 running concurrently is too much for VPC. Right after my presentation, I confirmed with Steve Loethen, a co-host of Code To Live, about coming up with the webcast series on Software Factories. I still to work out...

posted @ Thursday, October 18, 2007 8:01 PM | Feedback (614)

Microsoft Releases Popfly Public Beta

Today Microsoft is announcing that Popfly will be going into public beta.  So for those you that had requested to sign up for the beta, no worries!  You can automatically login without a hassle! (Pretty sweet, huh?) And for those of you that haven't signed up or don't know anything about it, just to go and login with Passport. Here's a brief description of what Popfly: It's a Silverlight 1.0 application to create a really slick UI that allows you to use drag-and-drop tools to build some cool things.  It also includes support for Vista Sidebar and Live Gadgets.  For those...

posted @ Thursday, October 18, 2007 6:45 PM | Feedback (613)

Source Code for .NET Framework Libraries Released

That's right, you heard it!  Scott Guthrie and Scott Hanselman have both talked about it (Scott even has a podcast on it).  Microsoft will release the source code & debug symbols for debugging purposes for the following .NET libraries under the Microsoft Reference License (MS-RL): Base Class Libraries ASP.NET Windows Forms ADO.NET XML WPF They plan on adding more libraries in the months to come, such as WCF, Workflow, LINQ. I'm not sure about you, but this IS HUGE!  Way to go, MS!  Taking...

posted @ Wednesday, October 3, 2007 12:35 PM | Feedback (614)

SilverlightCamp In Chicago

Dave Bost, DE for IL, IN, WI and former golfing partner, invited me through Facebook to the SilverlightDevCamp in Chicago, IL.  For those of you in the area or interested in attending this FR-EE event, here's the info from Dave's blog post: On Friday, September 28th and Saturday, September 29th, Clarity Consulting will host a Silverlight DevCamp at their offices in the Loop. This is a great opportunity for people interested in Silverlight to come together and hack out an application or two. DevCamps are similar to BarCamps in that it’s a casual gathering of like minded individuals. BarCamps tend...

posted @ Tuesday, September 11, 2007 11:43 AM | Feedback (615)

Live ASP.NET Chat

Just a reminder about the live ASP.NET "ask an expert" chat this Thursday, the 23rd of August at 7 PM CDT (5 PM PDT).  Come join the fun.  Here are the links. Main announcement - Prize announcement - Chat experts -

posted @ Monday, August 20, 2007 10:14 PM | Feedback (614)

Ask An Expert Live Chat On August 23, 2007

That's right, if you have a question that needs answering come check out our "Ask An Expert" live chat on August 23rd, 2007 at 5 PM PDT.  Please note that this chat is not being hosted by Microsoft and as such questions regarding upcoming products and future product specs may not be answered. To see the main announcement, check out Ryan's blog for the info.  Also there seems to be a prize give away for this chat! How cool?!  Here's the list of experts involved in the chat.  It's quite the line up! Calendar: ICS: Hope to see...

posted @ Tuesday, July 31, 2007 9:03 AM | Feedback (612)

Visual Studio 2008 Beta2 Downloads

Brian Harry has a great post with all the links you will need to download the latest bits for VS2K8 beta2.  Also, in this related post he lists some of the nice features they've added to TFS 2008.  One interesting thing about the "new" TFS options is the VSTS Web Access (aka TeamPlain) that they're planning to release here shortly (Yes, it works both for TFS 2005 & 2008).

posted @ Friday, July 27, 2007 12:44 PM | Feedback (611)

Using The Windows Live Writer API To Retrieve Your Blog Password

Ok, so I'm really, really, really stupid!  I like other people out there suffer from the always popular I-have-too-many-passwords (IH2MP) syndrome.  Earlier this past weekend, I was trying to administer my blog and managed to forget the editor password so I could access the website.  After several failed attempts, I searched the application folders of Windows Live Writer to see where my password was kept.  It appears that by default, Live Writer stores its configuration information under the registry.  To retrieve the configuration information correctly, you need to use their API.  Here's a sample on how you can accomplish this:using...

posted @ Sunday, July 22, 2007 2:54 PM | Feedback (619)


A couple of weeks ago, I blogged about David Anson's surface-like Silverlight application that functions like Microsoft Surface.  Well, earlier this week, I created what I call FlickrNSurface (pronounced: "flickering surface").  Essentially, it's a mashup of flickr and Anson's Silverlight application. To retrieve the images from flickr, I used FlickrNet and an interesting post back mechanism.  I will have more posts talking about the design of the application and how you can do the same thing with your Silverlight applications.  For now, take a look at it and let me know what you think! You can download the code by going here:...

posted @ Sunday, July 22, 2007 2:40 PM | Feedback (611)

Heartland Developer Conference Presentation Submitted!

I submitted the title and abstract for my HDC presentation.  Here's the info: The Taming Of the Oracle: A .NET Developer's Guide to Working With Oracle In this session you will learn how you can use the Oracle Data Provider for .NET, Oracle Providers for ASP.NET, and Visual Studio tools to get the most out of your experience with Oracle.  If you're a .NET developer that needs to work with Oracle as your primary database, this is a session that will getyou up and running in time for your project. Is there anything else you guys want to find...

posted @ Friday, July 6, 2007 11:23 AM | Feedback (611)

JetFuel - Silverlight Plugin for Windows Live Writer

While playing around with Silverlight during lunch, I ran into this plugin for Windows Live Writer (WLW) called JetFuel.  It takes the creation of Silverlight applications to the next level.  It's a nice little package of the steps outlined in the SDK into a wizard.

posted @ Friday, June 22, 2007 2:23 PM | Feedback (611)

Heartland Developer Conference, I'll be there. Will you?

That's right, I received word from Phil Wolfe earlier this week that I've been accepted to be a speaker (this is my third year!) for the Heartland Developer Conference in Omaha, NE on Oct. 18-19th.  If you check out the speakers page, you won't see my info there but I'm sure it's coming.  For those of you that like my presentations,  here's a list of topics I've been kicking around: .NET Tooling for Oracle - There's some applications out there that need talk with Oracle.  How do I make things as easily as possible to get my work done?...

posted @ Friday, June 15, 2007 11:43 AM | Feedback (613)

Surface-like Experience Using Silverlight

I'm not sure how many of you have heard of the new Microsoft Surface product (if you haven't, are you living under a rock?!?! ;-) ), but in one of the demo videos, they show how you can take images and resize/rotate them by using your fingertips.  Well, the same thing can be done using Silverlight through a web application.  Delay has posted a great sample Silverlight application that does the same thing!  It's pretty awesome app that shows the power of Silverlight!  If you have the time, check out the live demo or get its source code (you'll need Orcas...

posted @ Sunday, June 3, 2007 5:10 PM | Feedback (611)

Silverlight Add-In for Reflector

Yesterday, Levi sent me a link to this add-in for Reflector that disassembles a Silverlight applications and shows your the JavaScript to run it.  I must say, it's a pretty nice little add-in (that includes its source) for Reflector.  Below is a picture of the disassembled Silverlight Airlines demo given at MIX '07: Check it out if you have the time, it's pretty sweet!

posted @ Tuesday, May 22, 2007 9:45 AM | Feedback (613)

New Release of ASP.NET Futures CTP

I'm not sure how many of you out there are aware of the ASP.NET Futures section of the ASP.NET website.  Here's the description of the section from the website: ...contains an early developer preview of features providing a wide range of new functionality for both ASP.NET and Silverlight. The Futures release includes early experimental versions of features currently being considered for future versions of ASP.NET and the .NET Framework. The May 2007 Release contains the following components: ASP.NET AJAX Futures Silverlight Controls for ASP.NET Dynamic Data Controls for ASP.NET ASP.NET Application Services Dynamic Languages Support for ASP.NET (sans IronRuby,...

posted @ Thursday, May 17, 2007 6:30 AM | Feedback (612)

Free eLearning Passes From Microsoft

Denny Boynton, our regional Architect Evangelist, has just blogged information on how you can get free MS eLearning passes valued at $159.  If you have the time, and don't want to miss out on this opportunity, go check out his post.

posted @ Wednesday, April 18, 2007 9:40 PM | Feedback (634)

Microsoft Silverlight

Wow, it appears that "WPF/E" has a better RTM name than the other W*F parts.  That's right, "WPF/E" is now called Silverlight (via Soma's blog).  Also, don't let the name confuse you, if you have already the "WPF/E" Feb CTP, you already have Silverlight installed.  They've just renamed the install packages.

posted @ Monday, April 16, 2007 9:32 AM | Feedback (611)

Third ASP.NET MVP Expert Chat: April 19th, 11:30 PST

That's right, we're at it again!  We're signed up to answer your ASP.NET related questions for two hours on April 19th at 11:30 PST (1:30 CST). The chat format is as follows:  You post your questions and the panel of experts answers them.  We're using the Microsoft Chat Software (MVP’s only, sorry!) to grab questions and answer them.  The first chat did not have this software working well and was kind of chaotic (MSN Messenger & Conference Call).  The software is now working, so it should be a very smooth flow of questions and answers.  We're still doing the conference call so that when...

posted @ Thursday, April 12, 2007 9:33 AM | Feedback (613)

ASP.NET Compilation HotFix

That's right!  ScottGu has blogged about a new hot fix (Microsoft KB #934839).  I've ran into this problem in the past (and blogged about it here).  Scott posted a quick fix you can use without installing the patch: <configuration>   <system.web>       <compilation debug="false" batch="false"></compilation>   </system.web></configuration> I'm glad to see an official fix being released after a year since the issue emerged.

posted @ Thursday, April 12, 2007 8:51 AM | Feedback (611)

WCF Performance Benchmarking

I've been meaning to blog about this for a while, but for some reason I keep forgetting (sorry, I've been busy at work).  If you're wondering on how WCF compares performance wise to existing distributed communication technologies (ASMX, WSE, Enterprise Services, .NET Remoting) you should definitely check out this white paper on MSDN: A Performance Comparison of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) with Existing Distributed Communication Technologies

posted @ Tuesday, April 10, 2007 7:21 PM | Feedback (611)

New Groove, New Blog

Well, I've finally had it with my current install of .Text (.9.4.something) that I decided to upgrade to SubText.  The SubText engine has a lot more features (and available code base) that I can definitely use going forward.  Unfortunatelly, I was not able to use the .Text Import feature of SubText to pull my data in.  I kept getting an error during the import process.  So instead, I just whipped up some T-SQL scripts to pull the data over.  I still need to fix the referral data, but that's for another day. What do you guys think about the new...

posted @ Tuesday, April 3, 2007 6:11 PM | Feedback (615)

MVP'ed Again...

Thanks to the MVP Award Team and my lead Steve Dybing for recognizing me for another as a ASP/ASP.NET MVP.  I'm thinking of a lot of good content to present/create this up-coming MVP year. Once again,  thanks!

posted @ Sunday, April 1, 2007 10:58 AM | Feedback (611)

Microsoft Acquires TeamPlain

I know this is old news, but I'm extatic that Microsoft has acquired DevBiz and consequently, TeamPlain for TFS.  You can read more about it over at Brian Harry's blog. Back when I was evaluating TFS for work, I installed TeamPlain and was pretty amazed what the application did.  Back then, the licensing was ~$100 per client, but now that MS has acquired it, it's now FR-EE!! Check out the screen shot below to see TeamPlain's coolness:

posted @ Wednesday, March 28, 2007 10:51 AM | Feedback (619)

Blog Update: ISAPI_Rewrite

When I first read Scott's post on it, I decided to give ISAPI_Rewrite a try.  I've been thinking for a while to re-direct the end-point of my blog from to Why?  Well, I've always been a fan of subdomains that define a purpose rather than the typical /InsertYourAppNameHere.  Technically they're the same, but it's just nice to "package" your web application under it's own subdomain.  I mean, come'on, you spent the time working it, why shouldn't it have it's own spot?  Remember, when you buy a domain name, you buy * not just the www subdomain. I agree...

posted @ Friday, February 23, 2007 10:35 AM | Feedback (616)

Transcript for ASP.NET MVP Live Chat

Last night's ASP.NET MVP Live Chat was awesome!  Thanks to all you that attended.  Currently, Microsoft is working on posting the full transcript and answers to their sites.  But for the mean time, Ryan Olshan is hosting it over at StrongCoders (Please note this requires registration).  Thanks for doing this Ryan! If you have the time, check it out!

posted @ Saturday, February 17, 2007 11:05 AM | Feedback (614)

ASP.NET MVP Chat Tonight!

By the way, I posted about this chat a while back.... but if you don't recall and are free tonight from 7-8 PM CST (8-9 PM EST, 5-6 PM West Coast Time), come check out our ASP.NET MVP Public Chat!  Check out the line-up of MVPs that are ready to answer your ASP.NET questions! You can join the chat by going to the MSDN Chat Center.

posted @ Friday, February 16, 2007 12:46 PM | Feedback (624)

8 ASP.NET Webcasts

PluralSight's own Fritz Onion will hosting 8 ASP.NET webcasts next week.  If you're interested in checkin them out, you can register here.

posted @ Wednesday, February 14, 2007 5:18 PM | Feedback (611)

VS Orcas: First Look

ScottGu has blogged about the new features of the next version of Visual Studio (codename Orcas).  Right now if you can get access to the bits (they're available through MSDN) you can start playing with it.  I'm looking forward to see what kind of bult-in support they have for LINQ (released with .NET Framework v3.5). The web (CSS, Multi-Target .NET Frameworks, JavaScript & Ajax) support sounds pretty cool too.  I will make another post as soon as I get a chance to play with the bits.

posted @ Friday, February 9, 2007 8:20 PM | Feedback (615)

ASP.NET MVP Live Chat Feb 16th, 2007

I'm proud to announce that I will helping out on the first ASP.NET MVP Live Chat on Feb 16th, 2007 from 8:00 - 9:00 PM EST!  If you have any questions, regarding ASP.NET development, come and join the free live chat!  Check out the info below (from Join the Strong Coders Community, Scott Guthrie, General Manager, Microsoft Developer Division, and Microsoft MVPs for the continuation of the 1st MVP Live Chat on Friday, February 16, 2007 from 8:00pm-9:00pm EST. Get your tough questions answered by experts. No question is too hard. The chat will take place on MSDN Chats. See details...

posted @ Sunday, February 4, 2007 10:59 AM | Feedback (611)

Making a Difference

It's nice to know that your efforts can make a difference or help a fellow developer.  Today, I received an email that read, I was wanting to do an article for Code Project. The article that I wanted to write would be based on the code that you wrote in your article Extending Web Controls With Custom HTML Attributes. What I was wanting to do is to build a plug-in architecture for these "Custom HTML Attributes", where if you wanted, you could add a new attribute simply by dropping a dll into your applications bin folder. I was just...

posted @ Wednesday, January 24, 2007 10:31 PM | Feedback (612)


That's right!  ASP.NET AJAX v1.0 is now live!  So if you've been doing work with any of the CTPs, stop!  Go the final bits and start enjoying the RTM goodness!

posted @ Tuesday, January 23, 2007 2:21 PM | Feedback (611)

ScottGu on WPF/E, Orcas and IIS7

Check out this cool Channel9 video interview with Rory and ScottGu.  Should help light up some of the future paths the technology (ASP.NET and other MS Web Techs) are taking on the near future.

posted @ Sunday, January 14, 2007 6:46 PM | Feedback (612)

ASP.NET RSS Toolkit On CodePlex

Not sure if any of you out there knew about the RSS toolkit for ASP.NET.  Dmitry Robsman created it a while back and now IDisposable has put it out on CodePlex. If you're doing any work with RSS on ASP.NET, check out this toolkit!  It will greatly simplify what you're doing.

posted @ Thursday, January 4, 2007 12:51 PM | Feedback (611)

Visual Studio 2005 SP1

That's right, it's out!  Microsoft has released SP1 for Visual Studio 2005, Team Foundation Server, Express Editions and  Vista Beta.  Here's some info from Microsoft: Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 continues Microsoft’s investment in market leading development tools. Service Pack 1 addresses issues that were found through a combination of customers and partner feedback, as well as internal testing.  The issues addressed range in severity from places where the syntax coloring was incorrect to customer reported crashes in various scenarios. In some areas, more than 50% of the bugs addressed were reported by customers through the MSDN Product...

posted @ Friday, December 15, 2006 6:12 PM | Feedback (616)

Nikhil's WPF/E Application

Once again, Nikhil has out done himself.  Check out his WPF/E Flickr Photo Viewer.  You will need to download WPF/E December CTP to view it... WOW!

posted @ Thursday, December 7, 2006 10:12 PM | Feedback (616)

IADNUG: Extending ASP.NET 2.0

Thanks to those of you that attended the meeting this evening!  We had 29 people that made for a pretty good crowd.  Please note that we WILL take into consideration the moving of the meeting place to West Des Moines.  Like I mentioned several times, we just need a home that is not willing to charge us for the room. To get the slides and demos for the meeting, go here.  Some one after the meeting asked, Why would I store my pages in the database?  Well, all I can say is that it depends.  If you need to interact with...

posted @ Wednesday, November 1, 2006 10:14 PM | Feedback (611)

Heartland Developer Conference

First and foremost, thanks to all of you that attended my presentation!  We had a great crowd that was eagered to learn more about the inner workings of ASP.NET.  Second, I would like to apologize for my buggy demo.  Like I mentioned during the error, I moved the database file containing the content from my desktop to a folder under the C-drive so my connection string got hosed.  I didn't take the time to check the demo to its entirety before showing it.  My apologies. If you would like to get the demo code for the presentation, you can do...

posted @ Monday, October 30, 2006 11:45 AM | Feedback (611)

Oracle OpenWorld: Oracle Develop

Oracle Develop is the "developer"part for the OpenWorld conference.  Remember, when I blogged about it couple of days ago?  Yeah, I was pretty much in the same room for hours listening on how I can use their .NET tools to make things easier for developers.  Verdict?  Un-impressed.  Why?  Well, most of their content was the same content you can find on their website.  The only things that made it ok was that I was able to talk with the developers of the product and discuss some of the issues/enhances with the product.  I was also pleased to find out that they're planning...

posted @ Thursday, October 26, 2006 9:00 PM | Feedback (612)

Tulsa TechFest Day 2:A very long day...

Ok, so you know it's kinda scary when you get and leave a conference when it's dark (7 AM - 8 PM).  But overall, Tulsa TechFest was a huge success.  My ASP.NET presentation was well received (I would like to apologize for taking too long on the earlier topics and cutting ExpressionBuilders).  I was glad that people found the information useful and relavent. After attending several of the other presentations, I was ready to hangout and have some relaxation.  The fun part of the evening was hanging out with Tim, Shaun and the rest of the gang and just kick...

posted @ Sunday, October 15, 2006 2:02 AM | Feedback (612)

Tomorrow: Tulsa TechFest

Tim and I will are heading to Tulsa TechFest tomorrow so if you would like to get together and hang out, let us (or me) know.  Really looking forward to speaking and meeting lots of new people!

posted @ Thursday, October 12, 2006 2:14 PM | Feedback (611)

Fresh Logic Studios Scripts

That's right, the folks at Fresh Logic Studios (check out this sweetness), are giving away some great goodies...their JavaScript Framework! All I can say is that you need to check it out, pretty sweet stuff...I'm speechless.

posted @ Thursday, October 5, 2006 9:26 PM | Feedback (612)

LightBox.NET on CodePlex

Finally got around to create a CodePlex project for LightBox.NET!  (Yes, this LightBox.NET)  No more file system versioning for me!  (I know I could've used Subversion for my repository, but since I'm the only working on it, it was a bit of an overkill.)  This is where I plan on storing all documentation, source code and requests for LightBox.NET, so if you're interested on the project, add this link to your favorites! A while back, I posted the release of version 0.1.2006.0726 on my blog, so to make things more formal I created a release candidate (RC) for ver0.1.2006.0726. Hope...

posted @ Tuesday, October 3, 2006 8:47 PM | Feedback (611)

ASP.NET 2.0 Web Project Performance Optimization

Check out this great post by ScottGu on optimizing web project performance within VS2005.  Tons of great information on how minor tweaks can make the project experience a lot better.

posted @ Saturday, September 23, 2006 9:45 PM | Feedback (614)

Tulsa TechFest 2006

I will be presenting on the new runtime features of ASP.NET 2.0 at Tulsa TechFest 2006 on Oct. 14th. My good friend, Tim Gifford will also be presenting on FitNesse. There are a ton of other great speakers (Carl Franklin, Richard Campbell, Ron Jacobs, Mark Miller, ect.) that are the main headliners. If you're going to be around Tulsa, OK on that day, come check it out! It's FREE!

posted @ Saturday, September 23, 2006 5:12 PM | Feedback (611)

Atlas 1.0

That's right, Atlas is ready for shipping!  Of course, like many other cool-named .NET technologies, it has been renamed to something ... not as cool.  ScottGu has more info on this.  For now, here is a quick summary: Atlas parts have been named to be the following: Client-side (Javascript library) - Microsoft AJAX Library Server-side (ASP.NET integration) - ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions Control toolkit - ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit Shipping date: ?  Depends on customer feed, however, it will work fully with ASP.NET 2.0 and VS2005.

posted @ Monday, September 11, 2006 10:01 PM | Feedback (611)

Continuous Integration with Team Foundation Server

Today I started to setup Continuous Integration (CI) with Team Foundation Server (TFS).  Unfortunately, TFS does not support it out of the box; however, it does support functionality for you to hook-up into event sinks for comment server operations (Checkin, WorkItem assignment, etc).  So, I Googled for "continuous integration team foundation" and ran into two really good posts by Jeff Atwood [post] and Daniel Cazzulino [post]. I particurlaly like solution that Jeff's post gives you, because he has added the page that kzu (Daniel) created and incorporated into his CI webservice.  I wanted to take the solution even further by adding the automatic addition...

posted @ Monday, September 11, 2006 9:49 PM | Feedback (612)

ASP.NET, ASP and COM Issues

Scott Hanselman posted some of the pains of interacting with ASP, ASP.NET and COM.  If you have the time read through his post and the comments, to get a better understand of the issues he encountered. A while back, I've a similar post about dealing with two CLR versions and COM interop.  Also worth checking out... Quick Poll: How many of you out there are using Classic ASP and ASP.NET in your web environment?

posted @ Wednesday, August 23, 2006 3:26 PM | Feedback (611)

LightBox.NET ver 0.1.2006.0726

A while back I posted about LightBox.NET and it's source code. From the looks of it, it was well received since people have blogged about it here and here. Also, someone has added it to their Magnolia bookmark list. To all out there, thanks!  I know it's been three months since the initial release but as I've mentioned in other posts, I've been quite busy.  I've spoken with several people about some of things I can do to make it “better” (along with the “can you make it run for ASP.NET 1.1?” .. trust me, if I had the time, I would do's not that hard).  So, here's my first attempt...

posted @ Tuesday, August 8, 2006 10:53 PM | Feedback (611)

IADNUG Post-It Discussions

Tonight we had our first Post-It discussing meeting.  Here’s the jist of it from our member’s email We're trying something a little different for this month's meeting. At the beginning of the meeting, you will be given a post-it note and asked to write down 3 topics that you're currently interested in and would like to discusss. We'll collect the post-it notes and form discussion groups based on their content. Anybody interested in the related content is encouraged to discuss/learn/share within the group. Also, each discussion group will have a recorder that will write the ideas discussed within the group. These ideas will...

posted @ Wednesday, July 12, 2006 10:27 PM | Feedback (2243)

Guidance Explorer for ASP.NET and .NET

Just read this post by ScottGu on a PAG tool that allows to view guidelines and suggestions for your .NET and ASP.NET applications.  Each guidance item covers the reasons why it should be followed and instructions on how to implement it. Pretty good stuff!

posted @ Friday, June 30, 2006 9:43 PM | Feedback (619)

TechEd Blogging

I plan to document my travel to Boston/TechEd along with a summary of the sessions I will be attending. This should be fun, because at some of the slots, I'm quadruple booked! If would like to see something in particular, let me know and I can blog about it too. Also, I plan to meet up with some of the members of the ASP.NET team and talk with them about the cool new runtime features (yes, I will try to blog that too).

posted @ Saturday, June 10, 2006 12:11 PM | Feedback (614)

.NET Framework 3.0

That’s right, looks like MS is renaming WinFX to be .NET Framework 3.0 to avoid confusion.  Here’s what Soma had to say: With this in mind we have decided to rename WinFX to the .NET Framework 3.0.  .NET Framework 3.0 aptly identifies the technology for exactly what it is – the next version of our developer framework. I guess I can see their point.  At the end of the day, it’s just a name for packaging.  Since we’re in the topic of changing names, can we rename WCF back to Indigo? ;-)

posted @ Saturday, June 10, 2006 11:54 AM | Feedback (612)

CRINETA Presentation: .NET Enterprise Services - Post Mortem

I would like to thank the CRIneta Admin group for allowing me to come and speak to their fine group.  Nick tagged along for a night filled with pizza, demos and prizes.  Thanks for the great time, guys! During the meeting, Greg asked for information on performance between .NET Remoting and Enterprise Services, I told him of an article on MSDN that covered that topic (actually, I found two): .NET Enterprise Services Performance Performance of Web Services, Enterprise Services, and .NET Remoting.

posted @ Tuesday, June 6, 2006 10:05 PM | Feedback (612)

CRINETA Presentation: .NET Enterprise Services

I will be presenting an overview of .NET Enterprise Services at the Cedar Rapids .NET User Group (CRINETA) this coming Monday, June 5th.  If live around the Cedar Rapids area, stop by and check out the show. Due to time constraints, I will have to cut short (if not all out) some of the demos I did for the IADNUG meeting this past month.

posted @ Wednesday, May 31, 2006 10:41 PM | Feedback (616)


I'm not sure about you, but this is pretty freakin' sweet.  Nikhil is just amazing.

posted @ Monday, May 22, 2006 11:17 PM | Feedback (612)

LightBox.NET Source Code

FYI.  I've created a CodePlex project or LightBox.NET.  To find the latest source, please go check it out there! Someone asked if I would post the source code for LightBox.NET.  Well, here it is.  Enjoy!  If you have any ideas for extending it, please let me know!

posted @ Wednesday, May 10, 2006 10:56 PM | Feedback (646)


A while back, I posted that I was working on another side project.  One the cool things features of this website project is the use of the Lightbox JS script used to overlay images on the current page.  I told Nick about me adding this to the site to make the pictures “cooler.”  One of the first things Nick mention was that I had turned off the key-press events for navigating the pictures through a slide show.  I was first confused by his comment since I've done nothing to change the Lightbox script.  Well, it turned out that he thought I...

posted @ Thursday, May 4, 2006 11:57 PM | Feedback (636)

CSS Control Adapter for ASP.NET 2.0

Should it blogged about it last night!  ScottGu has a great post on the new CSS Control Adapter Toolkit for ASP.NET 2.0.  This control adapter gives CSS-friendly capabilities to pre-excisting ASP.NET controls (Menu, TreeView, DetailsView, FormView and DataList). Pretty nice way to hook into the new Control Adapter Architecture for ASP.NET 2.0. Check it out if you got the time.

posted @ Wednesday, May 3, 2006 3:00 PM | Feedback (620)

VS 2005 Web Application V1.0 Release

Just read this from ScottGu.  I'm not sure about you, but I'm pretty excited!  Indifferent about the web project vs add-on?  Check out this post by Rick Strahl and see if you share the same feelings.

posted @ Tuesday, May 2, 2006 10:24 PM | Feedback (611)

ASP.NET RolePrincipal Weird Symptom

 A while back, I was working on a unified security model for a framework when I discovered this issue.  The gist of this unified model is the passing of our dear interface friend, System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal from the client to a component running on a remote server.   As I was testing this security model, I created a simple ASP.NET client application that used the new Role and Membership features.  I made a call to the component passing the Page.User property to check the serialization of the principal object that ASP.NET assigned to the property.  The type of the Page.User object when using the...

posted @ Friday, April 21, 2006 10:34 PM | Feedback (611)

New W3C Standard: XmlHttpRequest

It was only a matter of time...check it out.  By way of Bertrand [MSFT].

posted @ Saturday, April 15, 2006 1:16 PM | Feedback (611)

ASP.NET Performance Checks

While looking through my blog roll, I bumped into these great posts by Tess that talk about ASP.NET memory consumption and performance. Why do you have set on your production server? Strong named assemblies should not be stored in the bin directory. Assemblies shared by multiple ASP.NET applications should be stored in the GAC. For more information on having a healthy production ASP.NET application, check out this post by Doug Stewart. A while back, Tim was wondering why strong-named assemblies are not supported in your /bin directory for an ASP.NET 1.1 application.  Well, Tim, you can now check out the reason why you had...

posted @ Saturday, April 15, 2006 1:13 PM | Feedback (611)

ASP.NET 2.0 Provider Source Code

ScottGu just posted that the ASP.NET team has released the source code for the ASP.NET 2.0 providers.  For documentation on these providers, you can check out the documentation by Jeff Prosise.

posted @ Thursday, April 13, 2006 9:46 PM | Feedback (612)

Atlas April CTP Released

The ASP.NET team has released the April CTP for Atlas.  Go get it!

posted @ Tuesday, April 11, 2006 10:58 PM | Feedback (614)

Declarative Polymorphism

Ok, so today I'm working on setting up a simple ASP.NET website to test the new membership and role features.  Well, in order to use the correct database through the ASP.NET configuration site, you have to remove the default registration of the LocalSqlServer connection string and re-add it with the correct database location.  In other words, <system.configuration>  <connectionStrings>    <remove name="LocalSqlServer" />    <add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="Server=(local); Initial Catalog=aspnetdb; Integrated Security=SSPI;" />  </connectionStrings></system.configuration> When I told Nick about this needed change, all he could said. "Well, it makes sense. It's Declarative Polymorphism! ;-)"  Another “one-liner” from Nick....

posted @ Tuesday, April 11, 2006 10:54 PM | Feedback (615)

Workaround for App_Offline.htm and IE6

ScottGu posts an interesting work around for the App_Offline.htm feature of ASP.NET 2.0. This feature allows you to put a filenamed App_Offline.htm in your root directory and ASP.NET once it sees it, it will shut-down the application (app domain, requests, etc.) and redirect all dynamic traffic to it. So your end users will see the friendly message you've placed inside App_Offline.htm. Well, it appears that the "Show friendly Http Errors" feature in IE6 prevents this from working correctly when the size of your App_Offline.htm file is less than 512 bytes. Work around? Well, make your file larger than 512 bytes. Yeah,...

posted @ Monday, April 10, 2006 9:23 PM | Feedback (649)

HttpModule for Validating XHTML in ASP.NET 2.0

A while back, Scott Hanselman posted a link to this same module. Now ScottGu, does the same. This module is pretty cool since it allows you to verify your HTML output with lots of ease (and most important, minimal code changes!). Have you written an interesting module, handler or extension to ASP.NET (v1.1 or v2.0)? If so, use to comments section to talk about it!

posted @ Monday, April 10, 2006 9:18 PM | Feedback (611)

VS2005 Web Application Project RC1

You can now download RC1 for the Web Application Project for Visual Studio 2005.  This allows you to treat ASP.NET applications in VS2005 like back in the days of VS2003.  That's right, you can have an associated .csproj (or .vbproj) file for your project!  This new project type is quite useful for migrating large ASP.NET v1.1 applications (by large, I mean lots of pages and user/web controls) to v2.0 with ease.  To learn more about the Web Application Project (WAP), check out these great in-depth tutorials by ScottGu.

posted @ Friday, April 7, 2006 11:23 PM | Feedback (612)

MVP Award

Earlier today I was notified that I've been selected for the Microsoft MVP Award in ASP.NET for 2006.  All I can say is that I'm deeply honored in being selected as a member of this fine community.  I can't wait to collaborate with the rest of my fellow MVPs and continue to help out the community both online and offline. My MVP Lead, Ben Miller, keeps a blog here, if you want to check it out.  I can't wait to help him to make the ASP.NET community better! Once again, thank you all for this great honor.

posted @ Tuesday, April 4, 2006 1:14 PM | Feedback (611)

Atlas "Mash-it-up" Contest

If you want to have a chance on winning an XBOX 360 and Windows Mobile smarphones, then “Mash-it-up”!  Be creative with the new Atlas bits and see if you have what it takes to win!!

posted @ Monday, March 20, 2006 9:43 PM | Feedback (612)

Atlas March CTP Released

That’s right, go get your copy of the Atlas March CTP release.  Not only that, check out the re-vamped Atlas Portal where you can find great tutorials and examples on the framework.  And for those of you playing with WCF and Atlas, check out this section of the documentation.  WCF + Atlas = I_NEED_MORE_TIME_TO_PLAY_AROUND_WITH_STUFF … Pretty awesome!

posted @ Monday, March 20, 2006 9:37 PM | Feedback (713)

Blog Update: Content Compression

WOW!  I just read this really great post showing you to enable HTTP Compression on IIS 6.0.  I must say, the decrease in documentation by compression is huge (~80% change!).  If you host your own blog and can enable this on your IIS server, DO IT!  Also, if you’re wondering the size of your web content, you can use PipeBoost to find out.

posted @ Thursday, February 23, 2006 10:07 PM | Feedback (611)

Intro to ASP.NET 2.0 Webcast Series

Fritz Onion has announced that he’ll be doing a four-part introduction to ASP.NET 2.0 (in VB.NET and C#) for developers using Cold Fusion, JSP or PHP.  The cool part about it is that if you attend three of the webcasts, you get VS 2005 Standard Edition for F-REE.

posted @ Tuesday, February 21, 2006 8:45 PM | Feedback (611)

ASP.NET 2.0 "How Do I?" Series

Brian Goldfarb posts links to great videos that focus on common questions developers have when working with ASP.NET 2.0.  Check them out!

posted @ Tuesday, February 21, 2006 8:42 PM | Feedback (611)

.NET Pet Shop v4: ASP.NET 1.1 to 2.0 Migration

The new version of the .NET Pet Shop shows you how to migrate a v1.1 application to v2.0 of ASP.NET.  Cool conversion features are the use of System.Transactions instead of Serviced Components, strongly typed collections to generic collections and extending the new membership modules. You can dowload an MSI to install the source and the related databases. Pretty good stuff!

posted @ Tuesday, February 14, 2006 9:26 PM | Feedback (611)

Released: ASP.NET 2.0 Web Application & Web Deployment Projects for VS2005

For those of you doing ASP.NET 2.0 development and miss the web project feature of VS.NET 2003, you can now download the Web Application project .  Also, for making deployment easier (if you don’t want to publish your website) you can also download the Web Deployment project and try it out. To find out more about the Web Application Project add-on, check out this post by ScottGu.

posted @ Saturday, February 11, 2006 1:44 PM | Feedback (612)

ASP.NET 2.0 Assembly Load Error

A couple of days ago while playing with an ASP.NET project, I encountered an assembly load error.  The exact error was, Could not load file or assembly 'App_Web_msnjmvbf, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. For those of you new to ASP.NET 2.0, the App_Web_msnjmvbf assembly is auto-generated by ASP.NET to contain the compiled UI for your web pages.  For some reason, my virtual directory in IIS got off-sync from the code and things went...

posted @ Thursday, February 9, 2006 8:01 PM | Feedback (611)

ASP.NET GridView Formatting Bug

Just ran into an issue with formatting values inside a BoundField column for a GridView in ASP.NET 2.0.  For some reason, there's a bug when you specify a format for your data and HTML encoding. To fix it, set the HtmlEncode property of your field to false.  Doing so will apply the formatting to your output.  Thanks to Jeff for posting this info!

posted @ Friday, January 27, 2006 10:57 AM | Feedback (611)

ASP.NET 2.0 Databinding

How many of you out there use the DataSource controls (SqlDataSource, ObjectDataSource, XmlDataSource, etc.) within your ASP.NET applications?  Just want to get a grasp how people use them and like them. Thanks!

posted @ Tuesday, January 24, 2006 9:08 PM | Feedback (611)

Atlas Samples

Nikhil has posted some great Atlas samples for you to look at.  For those working with ASP.NET and want to get a start with Atlas, these are a great start!

posted @ Tuesday, January 17, 2006 6:16 AM | Feedback (619)

Computing Bricks

Jimmy Nilsson has posted some good information about the coping of extreme loads and extreme scalabily.  Check out his first of may Computing by Bricks.

posted @ Tuesday, January 3, 2006 9:07 PM | Feedback (611)

Blog Search Improved...Again!

A couple of days ago I posted how I improved my blog search.  Well, tonight, I decided to enhance it by using the MSN Searcn SDK.  My http handler makes a call to the MSN Search web service and returns the found matches and transforms their XML to HTML through XSLT.  I’m using the same mechanism I wrote about for calling a web service asynchronously from ASP.NET. Let me know what you guys think!

posted @ Wednesday, December 28, 2005 11:35 PM | Feedback (611)

Atlas December CTP

Nikhil has posted a quick tour of the December Atlas CTP.  The coolest feature for this release are the partial updates components for a page.  Should make things easier for those pages that have a lot of content and the re-rendering of the entire page is unnecessary.

posted @ Thursday, December 22, 2005 8:56 PM | Feedback (611)

CodeProject ASP.NET Article Survey

<selfPromotion><![CDATA[Levi informed that my Extending ASP.NET 2.0 article has been selected for the favorite ASP.NET article of the month survey at CodeProject. If you have read my article and enjoyed it, go vote for it.]]></selfPromotion>

posted @ Wednesday, December 14, 2005 10:08 AM | Feedback (611)

Disk Based Output Caching for ASP.NET 2.0

Dmitri Robsman has created an HTTP Module that implements Output Cache for ASP.NET.  For those of you that played around with the beta versions of ASP.NET, you might recall this similar feature. Check it out if you have the time!

posted @ Tuesday, December 13, 2005 9:01 PM | Feedback (611)

Sharing Authentication Cookies From ASP.NET v.1.x to 2.0

ScottGu has done it again!  Ever wondered how you’re going to share auth from your 1.1 to 2.0 app?  Well, check out this post and get going!!

posted @ Sunday, December 11, 2005 12:06 PM | Feedback (611)

Generate Config Sections for ASP.NET 2.0

Dmitry Robsman, Dev Manager for ASP.NET, has completed his Simple Config Definition Language (SCDL) tool.  This tool alllows yout generate config sections for your web.config along with the source code and the XSD to use in Studio! Pretty sweet tool!  Thanks Dmitry!

posted @ Thursday, December 8, 2005 7:02 AM | Feedback (611)

Nikhil's Data Source Control Article Is On MSDN

This is sweet!  Nikhil has posted his awesome series on creating data source controls on MSDN!!  I’ve used his control for a demo to the IADNUG members and it was well received!  Check it out! Part I: The Basics Part II: Parameters Part III: Asynch Data Access Part IV: Caching Part V: Design Time Functionality

posted @ Monday, December 5, 2005 10:03 PM | Feedback (611)

Data-Bound Controls in ASP.NET 2.0

Dino has a pretty good article on creating data-bound controls for you ASP.NET applications.  The article covers topics rather quickly but still is a pretty good read.

posted @ Monday, December 5, 2005 9:54 PM | Feedback (612)

Fusion Logs: Revisited

Thanks to fellow HDC speaker, Dave Donaldson, a lot of people have been interested on my fusion log post!  Tim (no, not this Tim), asked: What about webApplications, Is the tool usefull there as well?, When I run a local Webapp on my machine I cant se anything i the Fuslogvw. If you use the ASP.NET setting and refresh the list, it should pick up your web application’s (actually aspnet_wp.exe’s) assembly loader.  The steps outlined on the post will display all loader information (informational and error messages).  The UI layout for fuslogvw has changed ( just a little) in 2.0.  I plan on...

posted @ Thursday, December 1, 2005 9:58 PM | Feedback (612)

GotDotNet ASP.NET Alerts Workspace

Bertrand Le Roys has created a workspace on GotDotNet to show how you display message boxes from ASP.NET.  I hope this works better than my failed attempts to use MessageBox.Show()! :-)

posted @ Thursday, December 1, 2005 9:27 PM | Feedback (612)

ASP.NET 2.0 Security Wiki

Channel9 has created a security wiki for all your ASP.NET security 2.0 needs; it’s pretty good info.  If you have the time, check it out.

posted @ Monday, November 28, 2005 11:28 PM | Feedback (612)

Visual Web Developer and VS 2005 Tips

Scott Gu posts some good tips on VS 2005 Local Web Server and the HTML features of the IDE.  For those of you that have firewall enabled on your dev pc, the first post is a resource for finding out how you can change your port.

posted @ Tuesday, November 22, 2005 9:00 PM | Feedback (611)

Nested Master Pages In ASP.NET 2.0

ScottGu posts some tips when nesting master pages in your ASP.NET 2.0 project.  Check it out if you have the time.

posted @ Saturday, November 12, 2005 1:23 PM | Feedback (617)

Convert Web Projects from ASP.NET 1.x to 2.0

The Web Platform and Tools team at Microsoft have put this article on MSDN to help you migrate your web projects from v1.x to v2.0.  After reading the article, I gave it a try with my dotText project for my blog and things went pretty smoothly.

posted @ Saturday, November 12, 2005 1:19 PM | Feedback (611)

Web Deployment Projects For VS2005

ScottGu has another great post on the new Web Deployment Project feature for VS2005.  I don’t about you, but this is definitely a lot better than xcopy!

posted @ Wednesday, November 9, 2005 10:19 PM | Feedback (614)

Definately The Coolest ASP.NET Application I've Seen This Year

WOW!  Nikhil K is alwas impressing me. YOU GUYS NEED TO CHECK THIS OUT!!

posted @ Tuesday, November 8, 2005 11:12 PM | Feedback (611)

VS Express Editions Free For One Year

That’s right, the title is not wrong.  You can download VS Express Editions free for one year at MSDN.  Dan Fernandez posts more info about this great deal! Go download Happy!  Long live VS2005!

posted @ Monday, November 7, 2005 9:48 PM | Feedback (611)

New Code Project ASP.NET Article

That’s right!  I know it’s been a while since my last Code Project article!  For this one, I decided to write about custom build providers in ASP.NET 2.0.  Custom build providers allows you to extend your application by providing a class that generates source code for a custom resource (ie custom formatted file).  If you get a change, go check it out!

posted @ Monday, November 7, 2005 7:36 PM | Feedback (611)

Quick ASP.NET Coding

ScottGu posts a great tutorial on how to use the CreateUserWizard control to create a new user in the new membership subsystem in ASP.NET. Thanks Scott for taking the time to write this great tutorial!

posted @ Tuesday, October 18, 2005 9:19 PM | Feedback (738)

ASP.NET Provider Model White Papers

For those of you that are ASP.NET 2.0 junkies (myself included), you can check out this white paper describing the layout, usage and development of the new Provider Model model within ASP.NET.  The white paper has 9 sections with this break down: Introduction to the Provider Model Membership Providers Role Providers Site Map Providers Session State Providers Profile Providers Web Event Providers Web Parts Personalization Providers Custom Provider-Based Services Hands-on Custom Providers: The Contoso Times I've yet to look through them all, but from reading the intro, this looks pretty sweet!

posted @ Tuesday, October 18, 2005 7:14 PM | Feedback (612)

ASP.NET 2.0 App Offline Feature

FYI:  If you add a file called app_offline.htm to your web application, ASP.NET will shut down the app domain and redirect all requests to that page!  So, if you’re one of those companies (or work for one) that happens to do big changes to your website during the day, you now have a good way of doing it. Thanks to ScottGu nd Erik Porter for posting this!

posted @ Thursday, October 6, 2005 9:32 PM | Feedback (621)

Nikhil On Atlas

Nikhil posts on the architecture of the Atlas framework.  I’ve downloaded Atlas but have yet to find time to play with it!  Curse these house chores!! Anyway, it appears that Atlas provides support for client and server (and things in between).  The thing I’m interested in finding out is how they create the dynamic JS proxies to interact with ASMX, Indigo and ASPX…

posted @ Thursday, September 15, 2005 7:30 PM | Feedback (611)

Atlas PDC Keynote Code Posted

ScottGu has posted the code for the Atlas keynote.  Check it out, it’s pretty damn cool!

posted @ Wednesday, September 14, 2005 8:53 PM | Feedback (612)

Atlas Released

Yes!  During a PDC keynote speech, ScottGu releaved the Atlas bits to developers!  If you’re as anxious to play with the technology as I am, you can learn more about it here. I can’t wait to start playing with it!

posted @ Tuesday, September 13, 2005 8:37 PM | Feedback (611)

Custom Item Templates In VS2005

Yet again, ScottGu posts on how you can take advantage of custom item templates in VS2005.  As Scott puts it, This feature enables developers to define common templates that they can re-use over and over when adding new pages/classes/controls into web projects or class libraries, and avoid repetitively typing standard content or code. All I have to say is “sweetness”…

posted @ Monday, September 12, 2005 8:49 PM | Feedback (611)

ASP.NET Photo Album

Bertrand Le Roys posted his experience with Dmitri Robsman’s ASP.NET photo album handler.  The photo album is implemented as an HttpHandler and’s totally free to use and update. Check it out if you have the time.

posted @ Monday, September 12, 2005 8:34 PM | Feedback (611)

Reusable ASP.NET UserControls with VS2005

ScottGu doesn’t stop!  Here are the juicy details of how to share user controls and web pages (.ascx and .aspx) files across multiple web project projects! Thanks Scott for the post!!

posted @ Sunday, August 28, 2005 10:20 PM | Feedback (611)

VS2005 Web Project System: Using IIS With Web Projects

Lucky for us ScottGu is pumping out tons of content for web development under VS2005!  This new blog post covers good info on how the IDE maps with IIS.

posted @ Tuesday, August 23, 2005 9:01 PM | Feedback (611)

Article On Performance For ASMX, ES and .NET Remoting

While doing some of my ES research, I bumped into this article by Richard Turner, PM for Distributed Systems Group, and Ingo Rammer from thinktecture.  This is a great read for those of you that are evaluating which technologies to use for their enterprise.  They also compare the passing of [Serializable] objects and DataSet objects across your services. Ok, on a side note why would you want to pass a DataSet across your layers?  Let me see…Oh yeah! I want my performance to suffer due to the extra work serializing all of the internal objects!!

posted @ Monday, August 22, 2005 9:38 PM | Feedback (611)

VS2005 Web Project System

Scott Guthrie (ScottGu) goes into great detail about the web project system in VS2005.  This entry is a breakfast and lunch read… My two favorite features about the new project system: Fast loading times for large projects Build Automation (aspnet_compiler.exe, oh yeah!)

posted @ Sunday, August 21, 2005 9:59 PM | Feedback (611)

Changes from Beta 2 to RTM for ASP.NET 2.0

I am not sure how many of you might know about this link that lists the major changes for ASP.NET 2.0 as it goes from Beta 2 to RTM.  The changes are not anything big but they will make an impact on your future development of ASP.NET.  It’s kinda nice to see they are documenting these changes so your expression is “Oh yeah, they changed that feature for production!” rather than “WTF? Why doesn’t my code compile?”

posted @ Sunday, August 21, 2005 4:46 PM | Feedback (611)

Virtual Earth Fun - Part I

I came up with this map page after working with the Virtual Earth (VE) API for about an hour.  I still need to add more things to it to make it cooler.  Let me know what you guys think about it!

posted @ Tuesday, August 16, 2005 11:56 PM | Feedback (611)

JavaScript Utilities

While reading Nikhil's blog, I bumped into this post on his JavaScript Utilities project.  This like a pretty cool add-on to your bag of development tricks!  Currently this project is on the works, so there's room for growth. The thing I like about Nikhil is that he tends to think outside the box a lot when it comes to ways of improving web development.  Keep it up!

posted @ Friday, August 5, 2005 9:22 AM | Feedback (611)

ASP.NET 2.0 Provider Toolkit

I know the news is old, but for those of you that don't know, MS has released an ASP.NET Provider Toolkit.  For those of you that are not familiar with the Provider pattern, it allows you to abstract the “where” and “how” questions for your data layer.  The Provider pattern tackles the “where does the data live?” question by allowing you to implement your own retrieval mechanism.  In other words, you can have an SQL Server, Access, AD, DB2, etc. providers.   The way you connect to these sources, it's totally up to you.  For those of you familiar with J2EE, it...

posted @ Wednesday, August 3, 2005 1:24 PM | Feedback (611)

Virtual Earth Development

Earlier today, I read Nikhil's post on putting images on a map using the Virtual Earth programming model.  Like usual, curiosity got the best of me and decided to look at around VE's site to find the developer section.  Alas, I was able to find something. Remember that the programming model is javascript based, so brush up on your scripting!

posted @ Monday, August 1, 2005 11:37 AM | Feedback (611)

IADNUG ASP.NET 2.0 Talk Demo Files

I guess it’s better late than never, but I’m posting the demo files for my ASP.NET 2.0 talk for the last IADNUG meeting.  The zip file contains two zip files, (contains the demos for the power point) and (the expression builder & custom builder examples).  Also, you can download the powerpoint from here. Happy coding!

posted @ Wednesday, July 27, 2005 9:35 PM | Feedback (631)

ASP.NET 1.x To 2.0 Upgrade White Paper

A white paper has been released entitled Common ASP.NET 2.0 Conversion Issues and Solutions on MSDN discussing a migration path from ASP.NET 1.x to 2.0.  BrianG also points out an upgrade center for ASP.NET to aide the process.

posted @ Wednesday, July 27, 2005 1:29 PM | Feedback (647)

Fix: Hosting Indigo Service On IIS

All I have to say is RTFM!  Well, if I would have looked at the SDK document a little bit closer, I could have read the answer!! Anyway, here’s the updated configuration file:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <system.serviceModel> <services> <service serviceType="Lozanotek.Examples.Indigo.TestService"> <endpoint address="" bindingSectionName="basicProfileBinding" contractType="Lozanotek.Examples.Indigo.ITestService" /> <endpoint address="/ws" bindingSectionName="wsProfileBinding" contractType="Lozanotek.Examples.Indigo.ITestService" /> <endpoint address="/wsDual" bindingSectionName="wsProfileDualHttpBinding" contractType="Lozanotek.Examples.Indigo.ITestService" /> </service> </services> </system.serviceModel> </configuration> Ahh, the sweet smell of functional code…

posted @ Thursday, July 14, 2005 1:57 PM | Feedback (629)

Hosting Indigo Service On IIS

Ok, you problably have already read how to accomplish this from either the SDK docs or another blog.  I just wanted to add a little aside to the configuration of your IIS hosted service.  When you configure your service to run under the direct virtual path, i.e. http://servername/virdir/serviceName.svc, you can ignore the value of the address attribute under your endpoint definition since the address is relative.  However, I’ve been having a heck of a time trying to define multiple endpoints for the same service.  Take the following configuration layout: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> ...

posted @ Thursday, July 14, 2005 1:09 PM | Feedback (636)

ASP.NET Architecture: Part I -- Introduction To My Madness

This past Saturday, Tim and I hit the links and talked "shop" for a while. I was like talking "shop" with Tim because he always has some good inputs/insights on design, architecture and beer. One of the topics we talked about for quite some time was that of domain objects. The conversation went a little like this ... Tim - So, do you have any business logic in your objects? Me - No, I see domain objects as nothing more than just complex types. The are but puppets of my(1) framework. Tim - Then how do you get your objects? Me...

posted @ Thursday, July 14, 2005 11:10 AM | Feedback (634)


You heard right!  I just signed up for this offer from Microsoft Learning!  They are offering a 17–hour self-paced online training course ($349 value) for FREE!  Go check it out! THIS IS FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY, SO HURRY!

posted @ Friday, July 8, 2005 2:29 PM | Feedback (635)

IADNUG Meeting Tomorrow

That’s right!  Come one, come all!  See the monkey (me) do the ASP.NET 2.0 jig!  (Disclaimer: In the previous sentence, the word “jig” does not infer the word “dance”).  If you’re going to be around the area, stop by, eat some pizza and point and laugh. Before I forget, if any of the three people that read my blog are going to be there and have any questions.  Please use the comments section of this post to ask them.  Make sure to leave your name also!

posted @ Tuesday, July 5, 2005 10:26 AM | Feedback (611)

Rant Reaffirmed

A while back I posted a side rant dealing with the wide usage of AJAX. I made the comment that XMLHttp (the main technology behind AJAX) has been used with Microsoft products for quite sometime now. I recall using the feature my freshmen year in college while playing around MSXML Parser 3.0. I just ran into this post from Scobleizer (Robert Scoble) in which he describes the conversation he had with Jean Paoli, a co-author of XML and MSoftie with regards to AJAX. I specifically like this quote: "My team invented XMLHttp in 1998" - Jean Paoli...

posted @ Tuesday, June 28, 2005 10:18 PM | Feedback (613)

Atlas: Take ASP.NET To The Nth Level

Just read through Scott Guthrie's post on project Atlas. Man, I got chills! This project is going to bring AJAX and ASP.NET a lot closer together by offering a Client Script Framework, AJAX-style ASP.NET Server Controls, Web Service Integration! ... Too many goose bumps, need to stop...but can't!! GO READ SCOTT GU'S POST!!! SKIP LUNCH IF YOU HAVE TO!! Oh yeah, baby the ASP.NET bus is coming! Hop on!

posted @ Tuesday, June 28, 2005 11:30 AM | Feedback (612)

Windows XP Tips For ASP.NET

Jeff Atwood posts some good tips on getting VS.NET to work with Cassini (ala VS.NXT) and kicking up your number of requests and allowed websites on IIS 5.1! What does this mean? If you hate using http://localhost/myWeb1, http://localhost/myWeb2 for your ASP.NET projects, you can now use http://myWeb1 and http://myWeb2...SWEETNESS!!

posted @ Tuesday, June 28, 2005 9:46 AM | Feedback (632)

Asynchronous Web Request Article Update

Just wanted to say that the sign up page for the weather web service from ejse used with my CP article is once again operational. Sorry, I ment to post this earlier but it just skipped my mind.

posted @ Friday, June 17, 2005 2:30 PM | Feedback (612)

Precompile Handler For ASP.NET 1.1

One of the cool new features of ASP.NET 2.0 is that of having a precompiled site by the use of a command line tool called aspnet_compiler.exe. This tool will allow your site be compiled with out any source in your pages. What do I mean by that, well if you use the tool the output will be all of your .aspx pages with no HTML source in them. All the source is taken and compiled into the code behind of the html-part (view) of the page. This feature will allow you to pre-compile a site that...

posted @ Wednesday, June 8, 2005 2:00 PM | Feedback (613)

Announcing yabe ...

Since we have infinite amounts of spare time in our hands, Nick and I decided to start a little side project called: yabe (yet another blog engine). Why a project you ask? Well, we wanted to have something meaningful to work with as we sharpen our skills in .NET 2.0 and VS.NET 2005. We are thinking the whole nine yards on this project, by using VSTS to host our code/tests, full fledge use of new class diagrams (thanks Whitehorse), SQL Server 2005 backend and Indigo as a service layer. Granted all of these ideas are still on the white...

posted @ Monday, June 6, 2005 2:01 PM | Feedback (611)

It's Only A Simple Change...

While catching up with my email after being gone for DevCon, I started to read the C# Corner newsletter for June. I clicked on one of the links to pull up an article and this is what I got: I was like, huh? I can understand that their server could be too busy but leaving their PRODUCTION web application to display all error information, that's just uncalled for! It's just a simple change in the web.config from Off to On.

posted @ Friday, June 3, 2005 9:01 AM | Feedback (3415)

DevCon 2005 ... v1.1.0.0 ... (Omaha)

Well, my DevCon run is done! Had a great time in both Minneaopolis and Omaha. Actually, the Omaha ASP.NET seems a little bit bigger than the one at Minni. But yet, it could have been the room. As promised, here's my demo files for the presentation. I need to ask the higher powers to see if I can post the power point.

posted @ Thursday, June 2, 2005 1:42 PM | Feedback (611)

ASP.NET 2.0 Web Cast

Earller today I watched this really good ASP.NET 2.0 web cast by Scott Guthrie. If you have the time, you should watch it. ASP.NET 2.0 is coming....I CAN'T WAIT!!

posted @ Thursday, May 26, 2005 10:32 PM | Feedback (612)

CP Article Weather Web Service Not Working

I've been informed by several people that the web service I use for my CP article is not working....stupid POS. Well, I guess that's what I get for taking the easy way out on things! Since I'm currently at work, I can't make any changes to this code. Well I can, but I think my superiors will frown upon it. So I will do it when I get home tonite. For those of you that are trying to get this project to work, I'm sorry. I'll do my best to make it up to you.

posted @ Thursday, May 26, 2005 11:55 AM | Feedback (612)

Code Project Article Fix

Sorry it took me this long to get a fix out there for my CP article, but I've been quite busy at home. The web service that I used to demonstrate a long running task switch to a subscription usage. So you will need to register with them to get your own username/password to get the demo to work. You can get the updated source from here. I've made it very easy to apply your own username and password to the the demo. Under the web.config and <appSettings /> section, fill in the username and password values respectively. Sorry for this inconvenience!

posted @ Tuesday, May 17, 2005 12:49 PM | Feedback (611)

Asynchronous Web Requests With XMLHTTP: Revisited

I've been getting a lot of emails lately asking about the status my statement made on this post. Well, for those of you who were so kind enought to wait and nag me about it, here's my second Code Project article entitled, Processing Long Running Tasks With Asynchronous Handlers and XMLHTTP. Sorry it took this long to get out there!

posted @ Friday, May 13, 2005 9:48 AM | Feedback (611)

Installing IIS on a Win XP Pro SP2 Machine

Recently, I reformatted my laptop to clean all the junk that Dell installed on it. I thought that everything was in pretty good working order ... this came to halt when I tried to install IIS. I did usual steps for installing any extra Windows components, Control Panel --> Add Remove Software --> Install Windows Component. I selected IIS from the list and then hit next and then that's when this little guy came up: Setup cannot copy the file staxmem.dll. I was like, WTF? After trying several different methods of installing the component, I finally asked Google....

posted @ Wednesday, May 11, 2005 10:33 PM | Feedback (612)

First CodeProject Article

I finally wrote my first Code Project article! The article is called Extending ASP.NET Web Controls With Custom HTML Attributes, if you have the time check it out and tell me what you think! Also, I will like to extend my deepest thanks to Nick for pushing to write an article.

posted @ Wednesday, April 13, 2005 9:54 AM | Feedback (613)

Me.IsCodeMonkey = True

Nick showed me this cool VS.NET add-in that totals up the lines of pure code (no comments, they are counted seperately). Currently, the project that Nick is working on totals at about 2,200 lines of pure C# code! For my Sprint project, written in VB.NET, comes at 11,700 lines (around 2,200+ lines of comments!)!! That's a lot of VB.NET code...specially from the guy that doesn't do that much VB.NET. If it were only C#...oh, it's good to dream.

posted @ Friday, April 1, 2005 10:43 PM | Feedback (611)

Asynchronous Web Requests with XMLHTTP

I'm in the process of coming up with a little example that shows you how you can use the XMLHTTP ActiveX Object and ASP.NET to process long running tasks. I will post the code tomorrow.

posted @ Thursday, March 24, 2005 11:28 PM | Feedback (613)

ASP.NET Loggin And VS.NET 2003

Now, I'm not sure how many of you log your exceptions (caught/un-caught) within your ASP.NET web application. If you don't, get a little closer so I can smack you! ;-) <designRant> Logging your exceptions gives you the advantage of having more information related to the inconsistancy in a common place, ie. flat file, db, etc. </designRant> Ok, for those of you that DO log, I'm not sure if you are aware of this interesting feature of VS.NET 2003. If you...

posted @ Tuesday, March 22, 2005 12:09 PM | Feedback (613)

Debugging ASP.NET The Cheap Way

For those of you that were unable to attend the MSDN event a couple of weeks ago, I've found this quick article showing you how you can use CLR Debugger, the debugger that comes with the SDK, to debug your ASP.NET applications! This is a great article for those of you that are hard-core developers (using a command-line compiler and gvim (or notepad))!

posted @ Tuesday, March 8, 2005 11:40 AM | Feedback (611)

The Speed of VB.NET Is Directionally Proportional...

... to the C# developer that's coding it. Nick and I have been quite busy working on a VB.NET web project for Sprint. As some of you know, Nick and I are pretty fleunt in C# (the fact that Nick is an MVP for the language proves that at least he is!), so our VB.NET code doesn't flow as smoothly as our C#-syntax does. It took Nick 5 minutes to write a simple handler (.ashx) in C# and an additional 20 minutes to make it work in VB.NET...that's just a poor use of a resource's abilities! It's like me asking...

posted @ Tuesday, March 1, 2005 3:25 PM | Feedback (611)

Indigo, The Unifier

I just finished reading, Dave Chappell's article on Indigo. Man, I can't wait until we have access to the CTP! If I were to pull three main points from the article, I will say the following: Indigo surely emcompases all 'distributed' computing technologies under an easy to use bundle (see Nick's post). Indigo pushes developers to think of services as components of their applications rather than something mystical and external to their application. Indigo makes you wonder if your current (serviced|distributed)-architecture can withstand a smooth migration. The most interesting section of the article was titled Coexistence and Migration. Dave outlines how...

posted @ Thursday, February 10, 2005 8:22 PM | Feedback (619)

Microsoft's C# Coding Guidelines

Brad Abrams has posted a list of the coding standards for C# used by Microsoft. I will have to say, "WOW!" After looking at this, I realize that I'm huge violation of the correct way of formatting my code. (Granted my C# standards are great mixture of my C++/Java standards). If you have time during lunch today, I say it's worth taking a look...and start changing those 'bad' coding-habits.

posted @ Friday, January 28, 2005 12:57 PM | Feedback (633)

ASP.NET Web Casts

While browsing through MSDN, I bumped into the Microsoft ASP.NET Webcast Series.  It's nothing more than a collection of more than 40 hours of free, on-demand ASP.NET-goodness! If you have some free time, I suggest you take a look.  

posted @ Wednesday, January 26, 2005 7:54 PM | Feedback (614)

VS.NET Auto-mation

Currently at work, I'm designing a web site for the nice people at Sprint.  This site has the basics (web user controls, web forms, db connections, etc.) of an ASP.NET application.  More importantly, it needs to maintain a certain look and feel...we shall call this a 'page template'. The 'old way' of adding a new ASP.NET Web Form to the application had the following steps: Add a new ASP.NET Web Form After the page is added, change the base class to be a custom page rather than System.Web.UI.Page Change the HTML to reflect the standard page layout and drop in all the Web UserControls the page...

posted @ Friday, January 7, 2005 12:50 PM | Feedback (618)

ASP.NET Performance Tips

While under the ASP.NET section of MSDN, I bumped into this article about improving performance of ASP.NET web applications. At times when designing web applications we ignore performance because of all the 'extra work' it adds to a project. Following the simple rules in the article, will help aliviate some of the performance pain.

posted @ Thursday, December 23, 2004 11:45 PM | Feedback (615)

One down, four to go...

Today I had one of many exams to come on my way to MCSD certification. Today's exam was that of MCAD/MCSD 70-315, Developing and Implementing Web Applications with C#.  The exam was not too bad, questions were tricky in the sense that at times it was hard to make out what they were asking.  The exam was 43 questions with a 2 hour limit for completing. The next exam on the queue, is that of MCAD/MCSD 70-320, Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with C#.  The topics for this exam include, XML Web Services, of course, Serviced Component, COM Interoping,...

posted @ Wednesday, December 1, 2004 7:07 PM | Feedback (615)

Wicked, yet advanced, ASP.NET ...

While reading an article by Dino Esposito from Wintellect, I bumped into this little beauty from Jeff Prosise, another Wintellect guru.  This article covers pretty 'high level' ASP.NET coding to show you how you can protect your sessions from potential hackers.  It's a must read for those interested in core ASP.NET development.

posted @ Monday, November 15, 2004 12:02 PM | Feedback (619)