My original title for this blog post was going to be HttpIoC - Find Out What It Means To Me, as Steven Smith suggested via twitter, but I figured it wasn’t going to be as searchable. :) So I went with the boring title. Sorry Steven! A while back, Tuna Toksoz and I were having a conversation on twitter about how he does registration of any modules his application will need/use. After playing around with the concept for a little, I was able to get something that will work for our any ASP.NET application with minimal effort. ...
I know I’ve been quiet for the past couple of weeks, so hopefully this post makes up for some of the silence. :)
A while back, I voiced my opinion on how actions within should be small and to the point. After this post, I started to think on how we can make ASP.NET MVC do more for us based on a convention. Take the following code as example:
1: [HandleError]
2: public class HomeController : Controller
3: {
4: public ActionResult Index()
5: ...