January 2006 Entries

IADNUG Meeting Tomorrow

Another IADNUG meeting tomorrow.  Eric Jacobs will present on how Two Rivers uses CodeSmith in their development process.

posted @ Tuesday, January 31, 2006 10:15 PM | Feedback (613)

Great Application of WCF

Check out this awesome WCF application that Clemens Vasters created.  Go here to download the code.

posted @ Tuesday, January 31, 2006 10:09 PM | Feedback (611)

Training Tips, Anyone?

Current at work, I’m doing some training on .NET (mostly ASP.NET, Enterprise Services, COM Interop and Security).  For my three readers out there, have any tips/experiences/stories related to training you would like to share with me?  The more I know what’s “best” or what “works”, it will help me relay information back to my students/listeners.

posted @ Tuesday, January 31, 2006 8:49 PM | Feedback (1198)

IE7 Beta2 Released

That’s right, you can go download IE7!  Looks pretty cool and works rather slick!

posted @ Tuesday, January 31, 2006 2:11 PM | Feedback (612)

ASP.NET GridView Formatting Bug

Just ran into an issue with formatting values inside a BoundField column for a GridView in ASP.NET 2.0.  For some reason, there's a bug when you specify a format for your data and HTML encoding. To fix it, set the HtmlEncode property of your field to false.  Doing so will apply the formatting to your output.  Thanks to Jeff for posting this info!

posted @ Friday, January 27, 2006 10:57 AM | Feedback (611)

Waterfall 2006!

I received this funny link by way of Levi. Waterfall 2006! After years of being disparaged by some in the software development community, the waterfall process is back with a vengeance. You've always known a good waterfall-based process is the right way to develop software projects. Come to the Waterfall 2006 conference and see how a sequential development process can benefit your next project. Learn how slow, deliberate handoffs (with signatures!) between groups can slow the rate of change on any project so that development teams have more time to spend on anticipating user needs through big, upfront design. <sarcasm><![CDATA[ This is awesome! I...

posted @ Friday, January 27, 2006 9:59 AM | Feedback (611)

Another Book On My List

I need to add this book to my “to-read” list…

posted @ Thursday, January 26, 2006 10:10 PM | Feedback (611)

ASP.NET 2.0 Databinding

How many of you out there use the DataSource controls (SqlDataSource, ObjectDataSource, XmlDataSource, etc.) within your ASP.NET applications?  Just want to get a grasp how people use them and like them. Thanks!

posted @ Tuesday, January 24, 2006 9:08 PM | Feedback (611)

New Indigo (WCF) Portal

Just released!  A new Indigo (WCF) portal!  It’s jam packed with samples, resources, and forums.  Go check it out!

posted @ Wednesday, January 18, 2006 7:34 PM | Feedback (611)

WinFX January CTPs & GoLive licenses

That’s right, you can get the January CTP for the Runtime Components for WinFX.  Also this release, you can get a GoLive license for your production systems.  Oh the sweet coding…

posted @ Wednesday, January 18, 2006 7:30 PM | Feedback (611)

Atlas Samples

Nikhil has posted some great Atlas samples for you to look at.  For those working with ASP.NET and want to get a start with Atlas, these are a great start!

posted @ Tuesday, January 17, 2006 6:16 AM | Feedback (619)

Blog Readership

While looking through my Google Analytics stats, I noticed there’s a lot of people out there visiting the blog! Nice to see that I have a bast number of people tunned into my ramblings! Thanks for listening!

posted @ Sunday, January 15, 2006 10:48 PM | Feedback (611)

Live from Monterrey, Mexico

First of all, I hate the layout of Mexican (es-Mx) keyboards!!  All keyboards here are qwerty but some of the main (en-US) keys are moved!  For example, the @ key requires the use of the right-Alt and the left-Shift.  Yeah, messed up...oh well, the key just reflects the widely used characters for the language. Just wanted to say that I will have pictures posted of my trip on my flickr site for you guys to view.  Hope you all had a great week.

posted @ Friday, January 13, 2006 2:15 PM | Feedback (611)

Service Orientation Tenet #1: Share schemas and contracts, not types and classes

I’ve been answering some questions on Google Groups dealing with ASP.NET web services. In some of the questions, people asked, “How do I send a <insert-user-defined-type-here> that’s in <insert-language-here> to a <insert-another-language-here> client?” Or, “Should I send a DataSet/XmlDocument/String to my client for my complex type?”. Clearly, there’s some confusion (or misunderstanding) about how types are represented in the service world. The purpose of this post (along with the proceeding three) is to share the basics principals outlined by the tenets of Service Orientation. I will present the tenets in no particular order…the reason I started with Share...

posted @ Friday, January 6, 2006 3:07 PM | Feedback (613)

Update Your Windows Install

For those of you that have not done so, update your Windows install!  I got this blurp from Clemens Vaster’s blog post:  Important Information for Thursday 5 January 2006 Microsoft announced that it would release a security update to help protect customers from exploitations of a vulnerability in the Windows Meta File (WMF) area of code in the Windows operating system on Tuesday, January 2, 2006, in response to malicious and criminal attacks on computer users that were discovered last week. Microsoft will release the update today on Thursday, January 5, 2006, earlier than planned. Go update!

posted @ Thursday, January 5, 2006 8:14 PM | Feedback (611)

WCF Contracts Article

Michele Leroux Bustamante (dasBlonde) published a great article at the Server Side .NET describing how you should use/program contracts for Indigo (WCF).  The article is about 20+ pages printed and a great read.  Go check it out…

posted @ Wednesday, January 4, 2006 10:53 PM | Feedback (611)

Top 10 Posts For 2005

Well, these are the top 10 posts for the last two months of the year.  These statistics are based on the numbers acquire from Google Analytics:   Post Title   Visits   Pageviews   Avg Visit Time 1. Javier G. Lozano 355 657 00:02:07 2. Windows Vista Beta 1 For Download 250 503 00:01:19 3. Crosstab Queries in SQL Server 61 75 00:01:16 4. Quick Look: Fusion Logs 58 79 00:06:24 5. Installing IIS on a Win XP Pro SP2 Machine 58 74 00:02:28 6. Querying Active Directory for User Emails 54 59 00:02:34 7. Microsoft's C# Coding Guidelines 41 53 00:02:34 8. ASP.NET Loggin And VS.NET 2003 28 29 00:04:29 9. ASP.NET Photo Album 27 43 00:01:30 10. If it's a .dll or .exe, it's an assembly, right?? 17 17 00:00:26

posted @ Wednesday, January 4, 2006 10:50 PM | Feedback (611)

Computing Bricks

Jimmy Nilsson has posted some good information about the coping of extreme loads and extreme scalabily.  Check out his first of may Computing by Bricks.

posted @ Tuesday, January 3, 2006 9:07 PM | Feedback (611)