March 2008 Entries

ASP.NET Web Service Serialization Proxy Bug

Long blog title, I know.  Yesterday, I ran into a issue/bug that I've never encountered during my years of being an ASP.NET developer.  The error message is below: The interesting thing about this error, is that it's occurred so often that there's a KB article (KB896181) for it that tells you how to fix it.  Fortunately for me, I didn't have to apply the fix in the KB.  I just had to change some of my security settings to give the account hosting the website the right permissions. Here's how the errors occurs: So you have an ASP.NET page that calls a...

posted @ Saturday, March 8, 2008 3:17 PM | Feedback (716)

Software Simian

This is just too funny: We all know we've been there!

posted @ Wednesday, March 5, 2008 8:54 AM | Feedback (613)

RSS Bloat

I'm a huge fan of RSS because it enables me to be lazy.  How does it do that?  Well, the simple fact that I don't have to go to your site to pull content is a HUGE time saver for me.  It's nice that we have a mechanism (RSS) that allows you easily pull the content that you care about. I've been using FeedDemon for about +1 year now and I'm pretty happy with it.  I actually bought the product back then, but now you can get it for free.  The nice thing about FeedDemon is that it's just...

posted @ Wednesday, March 5, 2008 8:46 AM | Feedback (621)

Team Focus

For the past two weeks our team here at work have been heads down working on getting a project out the door.  I will omit the answers to the why did the project get there? and how did you let it get there? questions since, although they're important, they would deter from the core reason for this post. All I have to say that last week was just awesome because of the team synergy (yes, buzzword) that was built around this project.  Essentially, last week was treated as week-long Sprint.  We met on Monday morning for an hour and...

posted @ Monday, March 3, 2008 1:15 PM | Feedback (619)

IADNUG Meeting: Utilizing WPF As A Business Application Platform

As you recall, we cancelled last month's UG meeting due to weather.  For this month, we're having Bryan Sampica, an ASP.NET MVP from Cedar Falls, come talk to us about WPF!  The info for the meeting is below. Hope to see you there!   Utilizing WPF as a Business Application Platform Bryan Sampica, ASI Computer Systems With the emergence of WPF and XAML as a UI framework, we've seen lots of demo's and examples on animating birds, and playing video clips. In this session we'll examine the business...

posted @ Sunday, March 2, 2008 9:04 PM | Feedback (613)