October 2009 Entries

Mvc Turbine v2 RC

That’s right, get the v2 RC release while it’s hot!  Version 2 of MVC Turbine, is a complete re-write of the plug-in that allows these features: New runtime framework that allows extensibility Blades (components) that are auto-registered and loaded at runtime. Introduced the Core Blades to setup the basic runtime of an MVC application: MvcBlade -- wiring for MVC related components (Controllers, View Engines, etc). ...

posted @ Friday, October 30, 2009 10:40 PM | Feedback (622)

git-svn, SvnBridge and TFS Source Control

I’m sure it’s nothing earth shattering but I’m blogging this for myself as documentation. :) I have MVC Turbine hosted out on CodePlex, which means I can either access the source via Team Explorer or the SvnBridge endpoint the site provides. After talking with some people yesterday during lunch, I decided to try this simple proof of concept: Accessing TFS with git via SvnBridge. Sounds crazy but it works…and here’s how.   Your favorite Git client This works with either msysgit or cygwin with git installed. So pick whichever you want to use. :)   Clone your CodePlex SVN Repo Using your favorite Git client, it is...

posted @ Tuesday, October 20, 2009 11:22 PM | Feedback (70)

Multiple View Engines with MVC Turbine

This past weekend while working on my talk for the Heartland Developer's Conference, I toyed with the idea of showing multiple ASP.NET MVC View Engines (VE) ‘co-existing’ within the same application. Why do that? Well, I wanted to show how using open source tools like MVC Turbine, MVC Contrib and Spark within your application, you can assemble some pretty cool stuff.  And most important, it made for a really cool demo. :) Please note that this concept is not anything new. Phil has blogged about a similar topic in the past. However, this approach extends what Phil...

posted @ Monday, October 5, 2009 4:37 PM | Feedback (655)