It has been two years since I’ve done any Scheme.  For those of you that are not familar with Scheme, you can read more about it here.  A great feature of the language is that procedures (functions/methods) are first-class.  This means that procedures can be created dynamically, stored in data structures, returned from other procedures.  If you’re C# inclined, you can do the same thing using anonymous delegates.

Any who, here’s some good ol’ Scheme code for the always popular fibonacci function and factorial (recursive of course!):

(define fib
  (lambda (f)
    (if (eq? f 0) 1
        (+ f (fib (- f 1)))
(define fact
  (lambda (fc)
    (if (eq? fc 0) 1
        (* fc (fact (- fc 1)))

More to come on Scheme!