While reading through my archive of RSS feeds from other blogs, I bumped into this one from Suzanne Cook. After reading it, I thought...hmm, maybe I should write a function to do that for me ... so here it is, a C# version of an assembly verifier:
private const int COR_E_ASSEMBLYEXPECTED = -2147024885;
private bool IsAssembly(string asmFile)
bool isAsmbly = true;
catch(BadImageFormatException imageEx)
int hrResult = Marshal.GetHRForException(imageEx);
isAsmbly = (hrResult != COR_E_ASSEMBLYEXPECTED);
return isAsmbly;
Currently, I'm working on a C++ version of this that does not require the .NET framework. But if you are loading an assembly dynamically from your application, you can use this to check it.